源代码在线查看: message.h
* Message.h
* Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
* Spring semester 1998
* Tanks game
* Module description: Implements the message class used in process and on
* the network.
* Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
* Moshe Zur - 24070856
* Date: 23/09/98
#ifndef _MESSAGE_H_
#define _MESSAGE_H_
#include "GameObject.h"
#include "Pool.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#pragma pack (push)
#pragma pack (1)
typedef enum
SERVER_MSG, // Server is requesting encoding / decoding of message
PLAYER_MSG // Server is requesting encoding / decoding of message
} GameMessageType;
// Every type of message with params should declare them bellow, and include them in the union:
struct BonusParamTag {
DWORD Type : 3; // Type
DWORD XPos : 9; // X pos
DWORD YPos : 9; // Y pos
DWORD LifeSpan :11; // TTL (seconds)
struct CheckSumParamTag { // Encoded to variable length
BYTE NumberOfTanks; // Current number of tanks
BOOL DeadHostReport; // Host player is dead but host is alive
BonusType ActiveBonusType; // Is there an active bonus? What's the type?
WORD XPos; // Reporting tank's position
struct TankCheckSumParamTag { // A tank check sum for each tank
BOOL TankExists; // Does tank exist?
BOOL Zombie; // Zombie flag
BOOL FastFire; // Fast fire rate flag
WORD Bullets;
WORD Shells;
WORD Mines;
} TanksChkSums[MAX_TANKS];
BYTE MinesSectorsChkSum [MAX_SECTOR + 1]; // A mines sector check sum for each map sector
struct BulletParamTag { // Internal - never encoded
BYTE bDirectionIndex;
BYTE bParentTankID;
struct ShellParamTag { // Internal - never encoded
BYTE bDirectionIndex;
BYTE bParentTankID;
struct MineParamTag { // Internal - never encoded
struct TankParamTag {
DWORD ID : 2; // Tank ID
int XPos :10; // X pos (signed: -512..511)
int YPos :10; // Y pos (signed: -512..511)
DWORD Local : 1; // Is local?
DWORD ShieldLevel : 7; // Shield level
DWORD Bomber : 1; // Bomber available ?
DWORD FastFire : 1; // FastFireRate available - end of DWORD 1
DWORD Shells : 9; // Shells count
DWORD Bullets : 9; // Bullets count
DWORD Mines : 9; // Mines count
DWORD Direction : 5; // Direction (0..23) - end of DWORD 2
BYTE FireRateBonusSecsLeft; // Fast fire rate time left (in seconds)
struct TankStatusParamTag {
BYTE bShieldLevel : 7;
BYTE bFastFire : 1; // End of byte 1
BYTE bFireRateBonusSecsLeft : 8; // End of byte 2
BYTE bID : 2;
BYTE bBomber : 1;
BYTE bZombie : 1;
BYTE bReserved1 : 4; // End of byte 3
DWORD dwShells : 9;
DWORD dwBullets : 9;
DWORD dwMines : 9; // End of byte 7
struct TankPosParamTag {
int XPos :10; // X pos (signed: -512..511)
int YPos :10; // Y pos (signed: -512..511)
DWORD Reserved :10; // End of DWORD
struct TankZombieParamTag {
BYTE ID : 2;
BYTE Zombie : 1;
BYTE Reserved : 5;
struct BoardParamTag {
DWORD Seed : 16; // Random seed
DWORD Complexity : 5; // Complexity level
DWORD Reserved : 9; // Reserved for DWORD alignment
struct BomberParamTag {
int Xpos :10; // X pos (out of map enabled) (signed: -512..511)
int Ypos :10; // Y pos (out of map enabled) (signed: -512..511)
DWORD Direction : 5; // Direction (0..23)
DWORD Reserved : 7; // Reserved (for DWORD padding)
struct TankRequestParamTag {
struct TankRemoveParamTag {
BYTE ID : 2; // Tank ID
BYTE Explode : 1; // Explodes ?
struct ManouverSetParamTag {
BYTE TankID : 2; // Tank ID
BYTE Direction : 5; // Direction (0..23)
BYTE Reserved : 1; // Reserved (for BYTE padding)
BYTE ManouverSet; // ManouverSet Data
struct ChatParamTag {
DWORD idFrom;
char Msg[MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN+1];
typedef struct {
BYTE NumberOfTanks : 3; // Current number of tanks ([0..MAX_TANKS])
BYTE ActiveBonusType : 3; // Is there an active bonus? What's the type?
BYTE DeadHostReport : 1; // Host is dead but reports game status
BYTE Reserved : 1;
WORD XPos; // Reporting tanks pos
} CheckSumHeaderType;
typedef struct {
BYTE LoNibble : 4; // Low nibble
BYTE HiNibble : 4; // High nibble
} DoubleSectorChkSumType;
typedef struct {
CheckSumHeaderType Header;
DoubleSectorChkSumType MinesSectorsChkSum[8];
} FixedSizeChkSumType;
typedef struct {
DWORD TankID : 2;
DWORD Zombie : 1; // Zombie flag
DWORD FastFire : 1;
DWORD Bullets : 9;
DWORD Shells : 9;
DWORD Mines : 9;
DWORD Reserved : 1;
} SingleTankChkSumType;
class CMessage : public CObject
enum MessageType
{// Code Description Direction (client's view)
// --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------
ADD_BONUS, // Add bonus object Incoming / Outgoing (*)
ADD_TANK, // Add tank (remote or local) Incoming
ADD_BOARD, // Add board object Incoming
ADD_BOMBER, // Add bomber object Incoming / Outgoing
REMOVE_TANK, // Remove tank (remote or local) Incoming / Outgoing (*)
MANOUVER_SET, // Update manouver set Incoming / Outgoing
SET_TANK_STATUS,// Set existing tank state Incoming
SET_TANK_POS, // Sets a tank position Incoming
SET_TANK_ZOMBIE,// Sets tank's zombie flag Incoming
REQUEST_TANK, // Request a local tank Outgoing
CHECK_SUM, // Notify host of current state Outgoing
CHAT, // A string send to/from player Incoming / Outgoing
SET_MINES, // Sets the mines in a sector Incoming - special treatment
// see remarks in
// CHost::SendMinesStatus and
// in CClient::HandleMessage
ADD_OBJECT, // Add other objects Internal
ADD_SHELL, // Add a shell Internal
ADD_BULLET, // Add a bullet Internal
ADD_MINE, // Add a mine Internal
ADD_GAME_OVER, // Add game-over animation Internal
NUM_MSGS // Total number of messages --------
// (*) means the message is outgoing from the playaer on the host machine to the host player.
union MessageData
CGameObject *pGameObj;
struct BonusParamTag BonusParam;
struct ShellParamTag ShellParam;
struct BulletParamTag BulletParam;
struct MineParamTag MineParam;
struct TankParamTag TankParam;
struct BoardParamTag BoardParam;
struct BomberParamTag BomberParam;
struct TankRequestParamTag TankRequestParam;
struct ManouverSetParamTag ManouverSetParam;
struct TankRemoveParamTag TankRemoveParam;
struct CheckSumParamTag CheckSumParam;
struct TankStatusParamTag TankStatusParam;
struct TankPosParamTag TankPosParam;
struct TankZombieParamTag TankZombieParam;
struct ChatParamTag ChatParam;
} m_UnionData;
CMessage () {}
CMessage (MessageType type, union MessageData& data, GameMessageType);
CMessage (PBYTE, BYTE, GameMessageType); // Create a message from a buffer and convert to local time
virtual ~CMessage() {}
void SetTime (DWORD); // Set message time (after translation to/from local)
DWORD GetTime () const; // Get message time
MessageType GetType () const; // Get message type
void SetType ( MessageType );
DWORD GetBuffer (PBYTE); // Copy message to comm. buffer, return length
char *GetName(); // Get message name
static char*GetName (BYTE); // Get message name of a given message ID
// used for the pool:
void* operator new (size_t size)
return m_Pool.Alloc (size);
void operator delete (void *p, size_t size)
m_Pool.Free(p, size);
#if _MFC_VER > 0x0421
// Visual C++ version 6.0 and above (_MFC_VER >= 0x0600) complain if the
// other form of delete operator (not formerly supported in Visual C++ 5.0 and below)
// does not exist.
void operator delete (void *p)
m_Pool.Free(p, sizeof(CMessage));
static DWORD EncodeSectorMines (PBYTE buf, int iSector, DWORD dwMinesFound, DWORD *pAllMinesInSector);
static DWORD DecodeSectorMines (PBYTE buf, DWORD dwBufferSize, int &iSector, DWORD *pAllMinesInSector);
CMessage *pNext; // for objects on free list
static CPool m_Pool;
friend CPool; // provide access for CPool to pNext private member
DWORD m_dwMsgTime; // Time of message
MessageType m_Type; // Type of message
// Encoding functions:
DWORD EncodeAddBomber (PBYTE); // Client => Server && Server => Client
DWORD EncodeRequestTank (PBYTE) const; // Client => Server
DWORD EncodeCheckSum (PBYTE) const; // Client => Server
DWORD EncodeAddTank (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeManouverSet (PBYTE) const; // Client => Server && Server => Client
DWORD EncodeAddBonus (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeAddBoard (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeRemoveTank (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeSetTankStatus (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeSetTankPos (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeSetTankZombie (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client
DWORD EncodeChat (PBYTE) const; // Server => Client && Client => Server
// Decoding functions:
void DecodeAddBomber (PBYTE); // Client => Server && Server => Client
void DecodeRequestTank (PBYTE); // Client => Server
void DecodeCheckSum (PBYTE); // Client => Server
void DecodeAddTank (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeManouverSet (PBYTE); // Client => Server && Server => Client
void DecodeAddBonus (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeAddBoard (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeRemoveTank (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeSetTankStatus (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeSetTankPos (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeSetTankZombie (PBYTE); // Server => Client
void DecodeChat (PBYTE); // Server => Client && Client => Server
static BYTE *m_MsgSizeArr; // Static messages sizes table
static TIMER_CLASS *m_pTimer; // Pointer to global timer
#pragma pack (pop)