This complete matlab for neural network

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关键词: complete network matlab neural
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				发信人: helloboy (hello), 信区: DataMining
				标  题: matrix calculation
				发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Thu Oct 24 09:19:06 2002), 站内信件
				I am devoting myself into a shortest path solution problem.
				In my research, I came up with a hard problem which slow down
				my research progress. If you are interested in such a kind of problem
				Research together with me. I am anticipating your response.
				In my another paper, I use matrix A to represent linkage matrix.
				When I calculates M=A+A^2+A^3+.....+A^n+......, I use
				(E-A)M=E for fast calculation.
				But in my this new article , I redefined the A^2 as
				I also testify that  A^(m+n)=A^m+A^n
				So I now need to calculate M=min(A,A^2,A^3,...).
				Note that the meaning of A^n is different from the traditional matrix multip
				I can't use E-A any more. What else can I use? I am confused.
				※ 来源:.南京大学小百合站[FROM:]
