
源代码在线查看: figmerit.m

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关键词: PLS_Toolbox matlab 故障检测 工具箱
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				function [nas,nnas,sens,sel,nfnas] = figmerit(x,y,Rhat)
				%FIGMERIT Analytical figures of merit for multivariate calibration
				%  Calculates analytical figures of merit for PLS and PCR models.
				%  The inputs are the preprocessed (usually centered and scaled)
				%  spectral data (x), the preprocessed analyte data (y), and the
				%  PCR or PLS approximation to x, (Rhat). Generally, Rhat is found
				%  by multiplying the scores by the loadings from PLS or PCR, using
				%  the number of LVs or PCs in the corresponding calibration model.
				%  The outputs are the matrix of net analyte signals for each of the
				%  spectra (nas), the norm of the net analyte signal for each sample
				%  (nnas), the matrix of sensitivities for each sample (sens), the
				%  vector of selectivities for each sample (sel), and the "noise
				%  filtered" estimate of the net analyte signal (nfnas), which is
				%  just the multiple of the regression vector that best fits the nas.
				%Example: given the 7 LV PLS model formed from
				%  [b,ssq,p,q,w,t,u,bin] = pls(x,y,7);
				%  Rhat = t*p';
				%I/O: [nas,nnas,sens,sel,nfnas] = figmerit(x,y,Rhat);
				%Copyright Eigenvector Research, Inc. 1997-98
				%Barry M. Wise May 30, 1997
				[mx,nx] = size(x);
				nas = zeros(mx,nx);
				nnas = zeros(mx,1);
				sel = zeros(mx,1);
				rhat = mean(Rhat(find(y>0),:));
				[u,s,v] = svd(Rhat,0);
				npcs = max(find((diag(s)/s(1,1)) > 1e-10));
				Rhatinv = (u(:,1:npcs)*inv(s(1:npcs,1:npcs))*v(:,1:npcs)')';
				chatk = Rhat*Rhatinv*y;
				alpha = inv(rhat*Rhatinv*chatk);
				Rhat_k = Rhat - alpha*chatk*rhat;
				[u,s,v] = svd(Rhat_k);
				Rhat_kinv = (u(:,1:npcs-1)*inv(s(1:npcs-1,1:npcs-1))*v(:,1:npcs-1)');
				temp = Rhat_kinv'*Rhat_k;
				temp = x*temp;
				nas = x - temp;
				if nargout > 4
				  nfnas = Rhat - temp;
				sens = nas;
				for i = 1:mx
				  nnas(i) = norm(nas(i,:));
				  sel(i) = nnas(i)/norm(x(i,:));
				  sens(i,:) = sens(i,:)/y(i);
