编译原理大作业---tiger编译器 包括semant,translate,mipsframe,regalloc等所有phase 懂的人自会知道

源代码在线查看: table.java

软件大小: 1169 K
上传用户: stzwsy
关键词: mipsframe translate regalloc semant
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				package Symbol;								class Binder {				  Object value;				  Symbol prevtop;				  Binder tail;				  Binder(Object v, Symbol p, Binder t) { value = v; prevtop = p; tail = t; }				}								/**				 * The Table class is similar to java.util.Dictionary, except that				 * each key must be a Symbol and there is a scope mechanism.				 */								public class Table {								  private java.util.Dictionary dict = new java.util.Hashtable();				  private Symbol top;				  private Binder marks;								  public Table(){}								 /**				  * Gets the object associated with the specified symbol in the Table.				  */				  public Object get(Symbol key) {				    Binder e = (Binder)dict.get(key);				    if (e==null) return null;				    else return e.value;				  }								 /**				  * Puts the specified value into the Table, bound to the specified Symbol.				  */				  public void put(Symbol key, Object value) {				    dict.put(key, new Binder(value, top, (Binder)dict.get(key)));				    top = key;				  }								 /**				  * Remembers the current state of the Table.				  */				  public void beginScope() {marks = new Binder(null,top,marks); top=null;}								 /**				  * Restores the table to what it was at the most recent beginScope				  * that has not already been ended.				  */				  public void endScope() {				    while (top!=null) {				       Binder e = (Binder)dict.get(top);				       if (e.tail!=null) dict.put(top,e.tail);				       else dict.remove(top);				       top = e.prevtop;				    }				    top=marks.prevtop;				    marks=marks.tail;				  }								  /**				   * Returns an enumeration of the Table's symbols.				   */				  public java.util.Enumeration keys() { return dict.keys();}				}											
