CC++嵌入式编程实例 共九章

源代码在线查看: task.cpp

软件大小: 111 K
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关键词: CC 嵌入式 编程实例
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				 * Filename:    task.cpp
				 * Description: An implementation of real-time tasks for ADEOS.
				 * Notes:       TaskList insertion bug fixed in this release.
				 * Copyright (c) 1998 by Michael Barr.  This software is placed into
				 * the public domain and may be used for any purpose.  However, this
				 * notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
				 * expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
				#include "adeos.h"
				TaskId    Task::nextId = 0;
				 * Method:      TaskList()
				 * Description: Create a new linked list of tasks.
				 * Notes:	    
				 * Returns:	    None defined.
				    pTop = NULL;
				}   /* TaskList() */
				 * Method:      insert()
				 * Description: Insert a task into an ordered linked list.
				 * Notes:	    The caller is responsible for disabling interrupts.
				 * Returns:	    None defined.
				TaskList::insert(Task * pTask)
				    Task **         ppPrev = &this->pTop;
					// Handle the case of an empty list. 
					if (*ppPrev == NULL) 
						*ppPrev == pTask; 
				    // Walk down the ordered list until a lower priority task is found.
				    while (*ppPrev != NULL && pTask->priority priority)
				        ppPrev = &(*ppPrev)->pNext;
				    // Insert the new task into the list here.
				    if (ppPrev == &(this->pTop) && 
				        pTask->priority > (*ppPrev)->priority) 
				      // Insert task at top of list.
				      pTask->pNext = (*ppPrev);           
				      this->pTop = pTask;
				      // Insert task after current position.
					  pTask->pNext = (*ppPrev)->pNext; 
					  *ppPrev = pTask; 
				}   /* insert() */
				 * Method:      remove()
				 * Description: Remove a task from a linked list.
				 * Notes:	    The caller is responsible for disabling interrupts.
				 * Returns:	    A pointer to the removed task.  Or NULL if it wasn't
				 *              found in the linked list.
				Task *
				TaskList::remove(Task * pTask)
				    Task **  ppPrev = &this->pTop;
				    // Walk down the linked list until the dead task is found.
				    while (*ppPrev != NULL && *ppPrev != pTask)
				        ppPrev = &(*ppPrev)->pNext;
				    // Ensure that the task was actually found.
				    if (*ppPrev == NULL)
				        return (NULL);
				    // Remove the task from the linked list.
				    *ppPrev = pTask->pNext;
				    return (pTask);
				}   /* remove() */
				 * Function:    run()
				 * Description: Start a task and cleanup after it if it exits.
				 * Notes:       
				 * Returns:     None defined.
				run(Task * pTask)
				    // Start the task, by executing the associated function.
				    enterCS();                          ////// Critical Section Begin
				    // Remove this task from the scheduler's data structures.
				    os.pRunningTask = NULL;
				    // Free the task's stack space.
				    delete pTask->pStack;
				    os.schedule();                          // Scheduling Point
				    // This line will never be reached.
				}   /* run() */
				 * Method:      Task()
				 * Description: Create a new task and initialize its state.
				 * Notes:
				 * Returns:     
				Task::Task(void (*function)(), Priority p, int stackSize)
				    stackSize /= sizeof(int);               // Convert bytes to words.
				    enterCS();                          ////// Critical Section Begin
				    // Initialize the task-specific data.
				    id         = Task::nextId++;
				    state      = Ready;
				    priority   = p;        
				    entryPoint = function;
					pStack     = new int[stackSize];
				    pNext      = NULL;
				    // Initialize the processor context.
				    contextInit(&context, run, this, pStack + stackSize);    
				    // Insert the task into the ready list.
				    os.schedule();                          // Scheduling Point
				    exitCS();                           ////// Critical Section End
				}   /* Task() */
