基于FPGA的多波形发生器 基于FPGA的多波形发生器

源代码在线查看: top.flow.rpt

软件大小: 1049 K
上传用户: lz0324
关键词: FPGA 多波形 发生器
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Flow report for top
				Tue Jun 19 17:25:46 2007
				Version 4.1 Build 181 06/29/2004 SJ Full Version
				; Table of Contents ;
				  1. Legal Notice
				  2. Flow Summary
				  3. Flow Settings
				  4. Flow Elapsed Time
				  5. Flow Log
				; Legal Notice ;
				Copyright (C) 1991-2004 Altera Corporation
				Any  megafunction  design,  and related netlist (encrypted  or  decrypted),
				support information,  device programming or simulation file,  and any other
				associated  documentation or information  provided by  Altera  or a partner
				under  Altera's   Megafunction   Partnership   Program  may  be  used  only
				to program  PLD  devices (but not masked  PLD  devices) from  Altera.   Any
				other  use  of such  megafunction  design,  netlist,  support  information,
				device programming or simulation file,  or any other  related documentation
				or information  is prohibited  for  any  other purpose,  including, but not
				limited to  modification,  reverse engineering,  de-compiling, or use  with
				any other  silicon devices,  unless such use is  explicitly  licensed under
				a separate agreement with  Altera  or a megafunction partner.  Title to the
				intellectual property,  including patents,  copyrights,  trademarks,  trade
				secrets,  or maskworks,  embodied in any such megafunction design, netlist,
				support  information,  device programming or simulation file,  or any other
				related documentation or information provided by  Altera  or a megafunction
				partner, remains with Altera, the megafunction partner, or their respective
				licensors. No other licenses, including any licenses needed under any third
				party's intellectual property, are provided herein.
				; Flow Summary                                                     ;
				; Flow Status           ; Successful - Tue Jun 19 17:25:43 2007    ;
				; Quartus II Version    ; 4.1 Build 181 06/29/2004 SJ Full Version ;
				; Revision Name         ; top                                      ;
				; Top-level Entity Name ; top                                      ;
				; Family                ; Cyclone                                  ;
				; Device                ; EP1C3T144C8                              ;
				; Timing Models         ; Production                               ;
				; Total logic elements  ; 393 / 2,910 ( 13 % )                     ;
				; Total pins            ; 26 / 104 ( 25 % )                        ;
				; Total memory bits     ; 1,536 / 59,904 ( 2 % )                   ;
				; Total PLLs            ; 0 / 1 ( 0 % )                            ;
				; Flow Settings                           ;
				; Option            ; Setting             ;
				; Start date & time ; 06/19/2007 17:25:17 ;
				; Main task         ; Compilation         ;
				; Revision Name     ; top                 ;
				; Flow Elapsed Time                   ;
				; Module Name          ; Elapsed Time ;
				; Analysis & Synthesis ; 00:00:11     ;
				; Fitter               ; 00:00:11     ;
				; Assembler            ; 00:00:01     ;
				; Timing Analyzer      ; 00:00:01     ;
				; Total                ; 00:00:24     ;
				; Flow Log ;
				quartus_map --import_settings_files=on --export_settings_files=off top -c top
				quartus_fit --import_settings_files=off --export_settings_files=off top -c top
				quartus_asm --import_settings_files=off --export_settings_files=off top -c top
				quartus_tan --import_settings_files=off --export_settings_files=off top -c top --timing_analysis_only
