.module DS18B20.C
.area text(rom, con, rel)
.dbfile D:\MY_COMPUTER\d\avr16\atmegal16\DS18B20.C
.dbfunc e crccheck _crccheck fc
; j -> R20
; r -> R14
; cbit -> y+0
; bit0 -> R8
; byte -> R10
; i -> R12
; temp -> R22
; len -> R6
; p -> R4,R5
xcall push_gset5
mov R6,R18
movw R4,R16
sbiw R28,1
.dbline -1
.dbline 24
; /********************************************************************
; ATmega16L开发板18B20测试程序
; 晶振频率: 4MHz
; 编译: ICCAVR 6.31
; ********************************************************************/
; #include
; #include
; #include "DS18B20.H"
; //硬件连接与PD6
; #define DQ 1 ; #define true 0
; #define false 1
; float temperature;
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: DS18B20数据校验函数
; // 形参: void
; // 返回: unsigned char 校验结果
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; // 备注: CRC公式为:CRC = X^8 + X^5 + X^4 + 1
; ===================================================================*/
; unsigned char crccheck(unsigned char *p,unsigned char len)
; {
.dbline 26
; unsigned char bit0,cbit,r,temp,i,j,byte;
; temp = 0;
clr R22
.dbline 27
; for(j = 0; j < len; j++)
clr R20
xjmp L5
.dbline 28
; {
.dbline 29
; byte = p[j];
mov R30,R20
clr R31
add R30,R4
adc R31,R5
ldd R10,z+0
.dbline 30
; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
clr R12
xjmp L9
.dbline 31
; {
.dbline 32
; cbit = temp & 0x01;
mov R24,R22
andi R24,1
std y+0,R24
.dbline 33
; bit0 = byte&0x01;
mov R24,R10
andi R24,1
mov R8,R24
.dbline 34
; temp >>= 1;
lsr R22
.dbline 35
; r = cbit ^ bit0;
ldd R14,y+0
eor R14,R24
.dbline 36
; if(r == 1)
mov R24,R14
cpi R24,1
brne L10
.dbline 37
; temp ^= 0x8c;
ldi R24,140
ldi R25,0
mov R2,R22
clr R3
eor R2,R24
eor R3,R25
mov R22,R2
.dbline 38
lsr R10
.dbline 39
.dbline 30
inc R12
.dbline 30
mov R24,R12
cpi R24,8
brlo L6
.dbline 40
.dbline 27
inc R20
.dbline 27
cp R20,R6
brlo L2
.dbline 41
; byte >>= 1;
; }
; }
; return temp;
mov R16,R22
.dbline -2
adiw R28,1
xcall pop_gset5
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r j 20 c
.dbsym r r 14 c
.dbsym l cbit 0 c
.dbsym r bit0 8 c
.dbsym r byte 10 c
.dbsym r i 12 c
.dbsym r temp 22 c
.dbsym r len 6 c
.dbsym r p 4 pc
.dbfunc e delay_us _delay_us fV
; time -> R16,R17
.dbline -1
.dbline 50
; }
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: us延时函数
; // 形参: void
; // 返回: void
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; void delay_us(unsigned int time)
; {
.dbline 52
; do
; {
.dbline 53
; time--;
subi R16,1
sbci R17,0
.dbline 54
; }
.dbline 55
; while (time>1);
ldi R24,1
ldi R25,0
cp R24,R16
cpc R25,R17
brlo L13
.dbline -2
.dbline 56
; }
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r time 16 i
.dbfunc e ds1820_ack _ds1820_ack fc
; ack -> R20
xcall push_gset1
.dbline -1
.dbline 65
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: 判断总线应答
; // 形参: void
; // 返回: unsigned char true为应答
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; unsigned char ds1820_ack(void)
; {
.dbline 67
; unsigned char ack;
; DDRD |= DQ;
sbi 0x11,6
.dbline 68
; PORTD &= ~DQ;
in R24,0x12
andi R24,128
out 0x12,R24
.dbline 69
; delay_us(300); //480US以上 // reset
ldi R16,300
ldi R17,1
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 70
; PORTD |= DQ;
sbi 0x12,6
.dbline 71
; DDRD &= ~DQ;
in R24,0x11
andi R24,128
out 0x11,R24
.dbline 72
; delay_us(25);
ldi R16,25
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 73
; ack = DQ & PIND;
in R20,0x10
andi R20,64
.dbline 74
; delay_us(300); // host receive
ldi R16,300
ldi R17,1
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 75
; if(ack)
tst R20
breq L17
.dbline 76
; return false;
ldi R16,1
xjmp L16
.dbline 78
; else
; return true;
clr R16
.dbline -2
xcall pop_gset1
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r ack 20 c
.dbfunc e read_byte _read_byte fc
; value -> R20
; i -> R22
xcall push_gset2
.dbline -1
.dbline 88
; }
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: 从 1-wire 总线上读取一个字节
; // 形参: void
; // 返回: unsigned char 读到的值
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; unsigned char read_byte(void)
; {
.dbline 90
; unsigned char i;
; unsigned char value = 0;
clr R20
.dbline 91
; for(i = 8; i > 0; i--)
ldi R22,8
xjmp L23
.dbline 92
; {
.dbline 93
; value >>= 1; // low bit first
lsr R20
.dbline 94
; DDRD |= DQ;
sbi 0x11,6
.dbline 95
; PORTD &= ~DQ; // pull DQ low to start timeslot
in R24,0x12
andi R24,128
out 0x12,R24
.dbline 96
; delay_us(2);
ldi R16,2
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 97
sbi 0x12,6
.dbline 98
; DDRD &= ~DQ; // release bus
in R24,0x11
andi R24,128
out 0x11,R24
.dbline 99
; delay_us(5);
ldi R16,5
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 100
; if(DQ & PIND)
sbis 0x10,6
rjmp L24
.dbline 101
; value|=0x80;
ori R20,128
.dbline 102
ldi R16,100
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 103
sbi 0x11,6
.dbline 104
ldi R16,3
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 105
.dbline 91
dec R22
.dbline 91
clr R2
cp R2,R22
brlo L20
.dbline 106
; delay_us(100);
; DDRD |= DQ;
; delay_us(3); // time interval
; }
; return(value);
mov R16,R20
.dbline -2
xcall pop_gset2
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r value 20 c
.dbsym r i 22 c
.dbfunc e write_byte _write_byte fV
; i -> R20
; value -> R22
xcall push_gset2
mov R22,R16
.dbline -1
.dbline 118
; }
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: 向 1-WIRE 总线上写一个字节
; // 形参: value 写到总线上的值
; // 返回: void
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; void write_byte(unsigned char value)
; {
.dbline 120
; unsigned char i;
; DDRD|= DQ;
sbi 0x11,6
.dbline 121
; for(i = 8; i > 0; i--)
ldi R20,8
xjmp L30
.dbline 122
; {
.dbline 123
; if(value & 0x01)
sbrs R22,0
rjmp L31
.dbline 124
; {
.dbline 125
; PORTD &= ~DQ; // pull DQ low to start timeslot
in R24,0x12
andi R24,128
out 0x12,R24
.dbline 126
; delay_us(5);
ldi R16,5
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 127
; PORTD |= DQ;
sbi 0x12,6
.dbline 128
; delay_us(50);
ldi R16,50
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 129
; }
xjmp L32
.dbline 131
; else
; {
.dbline 132
; PORTD&= ~DQ; // pull DQ low to start timeslot
in R24,0x12
andi R24,128
out 0x12,R24
.dbline 133
; delay_us(50);
ldi R16,50
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 134
sbi 0x12,6
.dbline 135
; delay_us(5);
ldi R16,5
ldi R17,0
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 136
; }
.dbline 137
lsr R22
.dbline 138
.dbline 121
dec R20
.dbline 121
clr R2
cp R2,R20
brlo L27
.dbline -2
.dbline 139
; value >>= 1;
; }
; }
xcall pop_gset2
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r i 20 c
.dbsym r value 22 c
.dbfunc e Read_Temperature _Read_Temperature fc
; t -> R20,R21
; temporary -> y+0
; i -> R20
xcall push_gset1
sbiw R28,9
.dbline -1
.dbline 149
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: 读取温度
; // 形参: *temperature 温度存储空间
; // 返回: unsigned char true为有效
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; unsigned char Read_Temperature(void)
; {
.dbline 154
; unsigned char i;
; unsigned int t;
; unsigned char temporary[9];
; ds1820_ack();
xcall _ds1820_ack
.dbline 155
; write_byte(0xCC); // Skip ROM
ldi R16,204
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 156
; write_byte(0x44); // Start Conversion
ldi R16,68
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 157
; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
clr R20
xjmp L37
.dbline 158
ldi R16,50000
ldi R17,195
xcall _delay_us
.dbline 157
inc R20
.dbline 157
cpi R20,5
brlo L34
.dbline 159
; delay_us(50000);
; ds1820_ack();
xcall _ds1820_ack
.dbline 160
; write_byte(0xCC); // Skip ROM
ldi R16,204
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 161
; write_byte(0xBE); // Read Scratch Pad
ldi R16,190
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 162
; for(i = 0; i < 9; i++)
clr R20
xjmp L41
.dbline 163
xcall _read_byte
movw R24,R28
mov R30,R20
clr R31
add R30,R24
adc R31,R25
std z+0,R16
.dbline 162
inc R20
.dbline 162
cpi R20,9
brlo L38
.dbline 164
; temporary[i] = read_byte();
; if(crccheck(temporary,9))
ldi R18,9
movw R16,R28
xcall _crccheck
tst R16
breq L42
.dbline 165
; return false;
ldi R16,1
xjmp L33
.dbline 167
; else
; {
.dbline 168
; t=temporary[0]+temporary[1]*256;
ldd R18,y+1
clr R19
ldi R16,256
ldi R17,1
xcall empy16s
ldd R20,y+0
clr R21
add R20,R16
adc R21,R17
.dbline 169
; if(temporary[1]>0xf)
ldi R24,15
ldd R2,y+1
cp R24,R2
brsh L45
.dbline 170
; temperature=(~t+1)*0.0625;
movw R24,R20
com R24
com R25
adiw R24,1
movw R2,R24
ldi R16, ldi R17,>L48
xcall lpm32
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
ldi R16, ldi R17,>L49
xcall lpm32
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
movw R16,R2
lsr R17
ror R16
xcall int2fp
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
xcall empy32fs
movw R16,R2
andi R16,1
andi R17,0
xcall int2fp
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
xcall add32fs
xcall empy32f
sts _temperature+1,R17
sts _temperature,R16
sts _temperature+2+1,R19
sts _temperature+2,R18
xjmp L46
.dbline 172
; else
; {
.dbline 173
; temperature=t*0.0625;
ldi R16, ldi R17,>L48
xcall lpm32
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
ldi R16, ldi R17,>L49
xcall lpm32
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
movw R16,R20
lsr R17
ror R16
xcall int2fp
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
xcall empy32fs
movw R16,R20
andi R16,1
andi R17,0
xcall int2fp
st -y,R19
st -y,R18
st -y,R17
st -y,R16
xcall add32fs
xcall empy32f
sts _temperature+1,R17
sts _temperature,R16
sts _temperature+2+1,R19
sts _temperature+2,R18
.dbline 174
; }
.dbline 176
; return true;
clr R16
.dbline -2
adiw R28,9
xcall pop_gset1
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r t 20 i
.dbsym l temporary 0 A[9:9]c
.dbsym r i 20 c
.dbfunc e Read_RomCode _Read_RomCode fc
; temp -> R20,R21
xcall push_gset1
movw R20,R16
.dbline -1
.dbline 187
; }
; }
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: 读取Rom Code
; // 形参: *temp DS18B20的Rom Code存储空间
; // 返回: unsigned char true为有效
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; unsigned char Read_RomCode(unsigned char *temp)
; {
.dbline 188
; ds1820_ack();
xcall _ds1820_ack
.dbline 189
; write_byte(0x33);
ldi R16,51
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 190
; temp[0] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+0,R16
.dbline 191
; temp[1] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+1,R16
.dbline 192
; temp[2] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+2,R16
.dbline 193
; temp[3] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+3,R16
.dbline 194
; temp[4] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+4,R16
.dbline 195
; temp[5] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+5,R16
.dbline 196
; temp[6] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+6,R16
.dbline 197
; temp[7] = read_byte();
xcall _read_byte
movw R30,R20
std z+7,R16
.dbline 198
; if(crccheck(temp,8))
ldi R18,8
movw R16,R20
xcall _crccheck
tst R16
breq L51
.dbline 199
; return false;
ldi R16,1
xjmp L50
.dbline 201
; else
; return true;
clr R16
.dbline -2
xcall pop_gset1
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r temp 20 pc
.dbfunc e ds1820_match _ds1820_match fV
; i -> R20
; p -> R22,R23
xcall push_gset2
movw R22,R16
.dbline -1
.dbline 211
; }
; /*===================================================================
; // 函数功能: 匹配DS18B20
; // 形参: *p DS18B20的Rom Code
; // 返回: void
; // 编写: 2004/8/25
; ===================================================================*/
; void ds1820_match(unsigned char *p)
; {
.dbline 213
; unsigned char i;
; ds1820_ack();
xcall _ds1820_ack
.dbline 214
; write_byte(0x55);
ldi R16,85
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 215
; for(i=0;i clr R20
xjmp L57
.dbline 216
mov R30,R20
clr R31
add R30,R22
adc R31,R23
ldd R16,z+0
xcall _write_byte
.dbline 215
inc R20
.dbline 215
cpi R20,8
brlo L54
.dbline -2
.dbline 217
; write_byte(p[i]);
; }
xcall pop_gset2
.dbline 0 ; func end
.dbsym r i 20 c
.dbsym r p 22 pc
.area bss(ram, con, rel)
.dbfile D:\MY_COMPUTER\d\avr16\atmegal16\DS18B20.C
.blkb 4
.dbsym e temperature _temperature D
.area lit(rom, con, rel)
.word 0x0,0x4000
.word 0x0,0x3d80