
源代码在线查看: 做个外挂能用到的东西.txt

软件大小: 4 K
上传用户: angela5683
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Public Function Delayt(ByVal num As Long)   '延时函数,不会假死,这个函数是论坛上的
				Dim sTime As Long
				sTime = 1
				While sTime 				sTime = sTime + 1
				Sleep 1
				End Function
				Private Sub Command1_Click()
				Text9.Text = GetFolder(Me.hWnd, "请选择一个文件夹:")
				End Sub
				Private Sub Form_Resize()
				          If Me.WindowState = 1 Then
				             cSysTray1.InTray = True
				             Me.Visible = False
				          End If
				End Sub
				Private Sub cSysTray1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Id As Long)
				          Me.WindowState = 0       '程序回复到Normal状态
				          Me.Visible = True       '从任务栏中清除图标
				          cSysTray1.InTray = False       '令程序界面可见
				End Sub
				Function GetProcessPathByProcessID(PID As Long) As String
				    On Error GoTo Z
				    Dim cbNeeded As Long
				    Dim szBuf(1 To 250) As Long
				    Dim Ret As Long
				    Dim szPathName As String
				    Dim nSize As Long
				    Dim hProcess As Long
				    hProcess = OpenProcess(&H400 Or &H10, 0, PID)
				    If hProcess  0 Then
				        Ret = EnumProcessModules(hProcess, szBuf(1), 250, cbNeeded)
				        If Ret  0 Then
				            szPathName = Space(260)
				            nSize = 500
				            Ret = GetModuleFileNameExA(hProcess, szBuf(1), szPathName, nSize)
				            GetProcessPathByProcessID = Left(szPathName, Ret)
				        End If
				    End If
				    Ret = CloseHandle(hProcess)
				    If GetProcessPathByProcessID = "" Then
				       GetProcessPathByProcessID = "SYSTEM"
				    End If
				    Exit Function
				End Function
				Private Function GetFolder(ByVal hWnd As Long, Optional Title As String) As String
				Dim bi As BROWSEINFO
				Dim pidl As Long
				Dim folder As String
				folder = Space(255)
				With bi
				If IsNumeric(hWnd) Then .hOwner = hWnd
				.pidlroot = 0
				If Title  "" Then
				.lpszTitle = Title & Chr$(0)
				.lpszTitle = "选择目录" & Chr$(0)
				End If
				End With
				pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(bi)
				If SHGetPathFromIDlist(ByVal pidl, ByVal folder) Then
				GetFolder = Left(folder, InStr(folder, Chr$(0)) - 1)
				GetFolder = ""
				End If
				End Function
				Private Function Key(Anjian As Long) As Long
				Select Case Anjian
				Case 0
				    Key = &H70
				Case 1
				    Key = &H71 'F2
				Case 2
				    Key = &H72 'F3
				Case 3
				    Key = &H73 'F4
				Case 4
				    Key = &H74
				Case 5
				    Key = &H75
				Case 6
				    Key = &H76
				Case 7
				    Key = &H77
				Case 8
				    Key = &H31 '1
				Case 9
				    Key = &H32 '2
				Case 10
				    Key = &H33 '3
				Case 11
				    Key = &H34
				Case 12
				    Key = &H35 '5
				Case 13
				    Key = &H36
				Case 14
				    Key = &H37
				Case 15
				    Key = &H38
				Case 16
				    Key = &H39 '9
				Case 17
				    Key = &H30 '0
				End Select
				End Function
				Private Sub Command4_Click()
				End Sub
				Private Sub Form_Load()
				hwd = FindWindow("new3d_WCLASS", "Childhood 3d Client")
				If hwd = 0 Then
				Label17.Caption = "   游戏末运行,请先打开游戏"
				End If
				GetWindowThreadProcessId hwd, PID   '获取进程标识符
				If PID  0 Then
				Text9.Text = GetProcessPathByProcessID(PID)
				End If
				b = 0
				c = 0
				test1 = 0
				test2 = 0
				End Sub
				Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
				Timer1.Enabled = False
				End Sub
				Private Function MyHotKey(vKeyCode) As Boolean
				MyHotKey = (GetAsyncKeyState(vKeyCode) < 0)
				    End Function
				Private Sub hidegame_Click()
				If hidegame.Caption = "隐藏游戏" Then
				   hidegame.Caption = "显示游戏"
				   ShowWindow hwd, SW_HIDE
				   c = 1
				   ElseIf hidegame.Caption = "显示游戏" Then
				   hidegame.Caption = "隐藏游戏"
				   ShowWindow hwd, SW_SHOW
				   c = 0
				   End If
				End Sub
				Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '信息
				Dim name(15) As Byte   '存储人物名称
				Dim name_temp As String
				Dim map_temp As String
				Dim base2 As Long
				Dim fight As Long
				Dim moc As Long
				Dim test(15) As Byte
				Dim teststr As String
				hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, PID)
				If hProcess Then
				MoveWindow hwd, 0, 0, 800, 600, True
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB4388 + &H8, test1, 4, 0&
				If test1  test2 And test1 > 0 Then
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB4388 + &H8, test2, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal test1 + &H30, test(0), 16, 0&
				Text10.Text = "你打到了一只" & StrConv(test, vbUnicode)
				List1.AddItem Text10.Text
				End If
				'Text10.Text = Text10.Text & "Text10.Text
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3738, fight, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3380, moc, 4, 0&
				If fight > 0 Then
				Label17.Caption = "经验:" & exp & " 人物状态:战斗中"
				If Check1(0).Value = 1 Then
				SendMessage hwd, &H100, 32, 0&
				SendMessage hwd, &H101, 32, 0&
				Delayt 200
				SendMessage hwd, &H100, 32, 0&
				SendMessage hwd, &H101, 32, 0&
				SendMessage hwd, &H100, 32, 0&
				SendMessage hwd, &H101, 32, 0&
				End If
				Label17.Caption = "经验:" & exp & "   人物状态:普通"
				End If
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3534, base, 4, 0&
				base = base + &HC4
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &HC3, exp, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3610, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &HDC, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H490, hp, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H48C, hpmax, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3610, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &HE0, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H490, mp, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H48C, mpmax, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3610, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &HEC, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H490, bbhp, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H48C, bbhpmax, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3610, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &HF0, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H490, bbmp, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H48C, bbmpmax, 4, 0&
				If b = 0 Then
				Text1.Text = Str$(CInt(hpmax / 3 * 2))
				Text3.Text = Str$(CInt(mpmax / 3 * 2))
				Text5.Text = Str$(CInt(bbhpmax / 3 * 2))
				Text6.Text = Str$(CInt(bbmpmax / 3 * 2))
				Combo1(0).ListIndex = 17
				Combo1(1).ListIndex = 16
				Combo1(2).ListIndex = 17
				Combo1(3).ListIndex = 16
				b = 1
				End If
				If Check1(1).Value = 1 Then
				If hp < Val(Text1.Text) Then
				   SendMessage hwd, &H100, Key(Combo1(0).ListIndex), 0&
				   SendMessage hwd, &H101, Key(Combo1(0).ListIndex), 0&
				   ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3380, moc, 4, 0&
				   If moc = 27 Then
				   lp = 30
				   lp = lp * 65536 + 30
				   'SendMessage hwd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, ByVal lp 需要后台移动的朋友,这句话就是
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, lp '这是后台模拟点击的,这方面的资料偶找了好久啊..
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   Delayt Val(Text2.Text)
				' Text9.Text = Text9.Text & "当前人物血量:" & hp & "/" & Text1.Text & " 加血"
				   End If
				   End If
				If mp < Val(Text3.Text) Then
				   SendMessage hwd, &H100, Key(Combo1(1).ListIndex), 0&
				   SendMessage hwd, &H101, Key(Combo1(1).ListIndex), 0&
				    ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3380, moc, 4, 0&
				   If moc = 27 Then
				   lp = 30
				   lp = lp * 65536 + 30
				   'SendMessage hwd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, ByVal lp
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   Delayt Val(Text4.Text)
				   'Text9.Text = Text9.Text & "当前人物魔法:" & mp & "/" & Text3.Text & " 加蓝"
				End If
				End If
				   If bbhp < Val(Text5.Text) Then
				   SendMessage hwd, &H100, Key(Combo1(2).ListIndex), 0&
				   SendMessage hwd, &H101, Key(Combo1(2).ListIndex), 0&
				    ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3380, moc, 4, 0&
				   If moc = 27 Then
				   lp = 94
				   lp = lp * 65536 + 13
				   'SendMessage hwd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, ByVal lp
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   Delayt Val(Text7.Text)
				   'Text9.Text = Text9.Text & "当前宠物血量:" & bbhp & "/" & Text5.Text & " 加血"
				   End If
				   End If
				If bbmp < Val(Text6.Text) Then
				   SendMessage hwd, &H100, Key(Combo1(3).ListIndex), 0&
				   SendMessage hwd, &H101, Key(Combo1(3).ListIndex), 0&
				    ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB3380, moc, 4, 0&
				   If moc = 27 Then
				   lp = 94
				   lp = lp * 65536 + 13
				   'SendMessage hwd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, ByVal lp
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   PostMessage hwd, WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, lp
				   Delayt Val(Text8.Text)
				    'Text9.Text = Text9.Text & "当前宠物魔法:" & bbmp & "/" & Text6.Text & " 加蓝"
				End If
				End If
				End If
				base = &HAB2E34
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H18, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H174, mx, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &H178, my, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &HAB2E34, base, 4, 0&
				ReadProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal base + &HD8, map(0), 15, 0&
				map_temp = StrConv(map, vbUnicode)
				'WriteProcessMemory hProcess, ByVal &H3162A80, mpmax, 4, 0&
				End If
				   CloseHandle hProcess
				   If MyHotKey(vbKeyK) And vbKeyControl Then   'ctrl+A
				   If c = 1 Then
				   ShowWindow hwd, SW_SHOW
				   hidegame.Caption = "隐藏游戏"
				   c = 0
				   ElseIf c = 0 Then
				   ShowWindow hwd, SW_HIDE
				   hidegame.Caption = "显示游戏"
				   c = 1
				   End If
				   End If
				Label9.Caption = "地图:" & map_temp
				Label20.Caption = "坐标:" & mx & "," & my
				Label2(0).Caption = "生命值:" & hp & "/" & hpmax
				Label3.Caption = "魔法值:" & mp & "/" & mpmax
				Label12.Caption = "宠物生命:" & bbhp & "/" & bbhpmax
				Label13.Caption = "宠物魔法:" & bbmp & "/" & bbmpmax
				End Sub
