远程学生作业提交系统,所用技术JSP,Servelet,Ajax,Web Services,MySql

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软件大小: 1738 K
上传用户: huanzhudev
关键词: Servelet Services MySql Ajax
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				How This Document Is Organized
				This document has pages corresponding to the items in the
				navigation bar, described as follows.
				The Overview page is the front
				page of this document and provides a list of files formatted
				by the wsdldoc tool with a summary for each.
				Each file has a page that contains a list of its definitions, with
				a summary for each. This page can contain five categories
				corresponding to the five top level definition elements appearing
				in the order in which they are introduced in the WSDL specification:
				Each wsdl:binding element has its own separate page. Each of these
				pages has three sections consisting of a binding description, an
				operation summary table whose entries relate the binding operation
				name to protocol specific binding information (e.g. a SOAP
				action), and detailed descriptions of each operation that contains
				the operation name and the operation's wsdl:documentation content,
				if any.
				Each wsdl:message element has its own separate page. Each of these
				pages has three sections consisting of a message description, a
				part summary table whose entries match part names with their
				referenced types or elements, and a detailed description of each
				part that contains the part name and the part's wsdl:documentation
				content, if any.
				Each wsdl:portType element has its own separate page. Each of
				these pages has three sections consisting of a porttype
				description including all known bindings, an operation summary
				table, and a detailed description of each operation that contains
				a pseudo-signature and the operation's wsdl:documentation content,
				if any.
				Each wsdl:service element has its own separate page. Each of these
				pages has three sections consisting of a service description, a
				port summary table whose entries match port names with their
				protocol specific port information (e.g. a SOAP address), and a
				detailed description of each port that contains the port's
				wsdl:documentation content, if any.
				Each wsdl:types element has its own separate page. Each of these
				pages consists of a heading and the content of the wsdl:types as
				it appears in the WSDL file.
				Operation Index
				The Op Index contains an
				alphabetic list of all operations defined in wsdl:portType
				elements across all processed WSDL files .
				A link to this file.
