compile pricple source code,full code. good code,include LEX ananysis code,etc. enjoy!

源代码在线查看: code.c

软件大小: 55 K
上传用户: chen41896
关键词: code ananysis compile pricple
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				/* File: code.c                                     */
				/* TM Code emitting utilities                       */
				/* implementation for the TINY compiler             */
				/* Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice   */
				/* Kenneth C. Louden                                */
				#include "globals.h"
				#include "code.h"
				/* TM location number for current instruction emission */
				static int emitLoc = 0 ;
				/* Highest TM location emitted so far
				   For use in conjunction with emitSkip,
				   emitBackup, and emitRestore */
				static int highEmitLoc = 0;
				/* Procedure emitComment prints a comment line 
				 * with comment c in the code file
				void emitComment( char * c )
				{ if (TraceCode) fprintf(code,"* %s\n",c);}
				/* Procedure emitRO emits a register-only
				 * TM instruction
				 * op = the opcode
				 * r = target register
				 * s = 1st source register
				 * t = 2nd source register
				 * c = a comment to be printed if TraceCode is TRUE
				void emitRO( char *op, int r, int s, int t, char *c)
				{ fprintf(code,"%3d:  %5s  %d,%d,%d ",emitLoc++,op,r,s,t);
				  if (TraceCode) fprintf(code,"\t%s",c) ;
				  fprintf(code,"\n") ;
				  if (highEmitLoc < emitLoc) highEmitLoc = emitLoc ;
				} /* emitRO */
				/* Procedure emitRM emits a register-to-memory
				 * TM instruction
				 * op = the opcode
				 * r = target register
				 * d = the offset
				 * s = the base register
				 * c = a comment to be printed if TraceCode is TRUE
				void emitRM( char * op, int r, int d, int s, char *c)
				{ fprintf(code,"%3d:  %5s  %d,%d(%d) ",emitLoc++,op,r,d,s);
				  if (TraceCode) fprintf(code,"\t%s",c) ;
				  fprintf(code,"\n") ;
				  if (highEmitLoc < emitLoc)  highEmitLoc = emitLoc ;
				} /* emitRM */
				/* Function emitSkip skips "howMany" code
				 * locations for later backpatch. It also
				 * returns the current code position
				int emitSkip( int howMany)
				{  int i = emitLoc;
				   emitLoc += howMany ;
				   if (highEmitLoc < emitLoc)  highEmitLoc = emitLoc ;
				   return i;
				} /* emitSkip */
				/* Procedure emitBackup backs up to 
				 * loc = a previously skipped location
				void emitBackup( int loc)
				{ if (loc > highEmitLoc) emitComment("BUG in emitBackup");
				  emitLoc = loc ;
				} /* emitBackup */
				/* Procedure emitRestore restores the current 
				 * code position to the highest previously
				 * unemitted position
				void emitRestore(void)
				{ emitLoc = highEmitLoc;}
				/* Procedure emitRM_Abs converts an absolute reference 
				 * to a pc-relative reference when emitting a
				 * register-to-memory TM instruction
				 * op = the opcode
				 * r = target register
				 * a = the absolute location in memory
				 * c = a comment to be printed if TraceCode is TRUE
				void emitRM_Abs( char *op, int r, int a, char * c)
				{ fprintf(code,"%3d:  %5s  %d,%d(%d) ",
				  ++emitLoc ;
				  if (TraceCode) fprintf(code,"\t%s",c) ;
				  fprintf(code,"\n") ;
				  if (highEmitLoc < emitLoc) highEmitLoc = emitLoc ;
				} /* emitRM_Abs */
