
源代码在线查看: control.rpt

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关键词: VHDL 频率计
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				Project Information                                       d:\frudh\control.rpt
				MAX+plus II Compiler Report File
				Version 10.0 9/14/2000
				Compiled: 06/08/2008 20:24:25
				Copyright (C) 1988-2000 Altera Corporation
				Any megafunction design, and related net list (encrypted or decrypted),
				support information, device programming or simulation file, and any other
				associated documentation or information provided by Altera or a partner
				under Altera's Megafunction Partnership Program may be used only to
				program PLD devices (but not masked PLD devices) from Altera.  Any other
				use of such megafunction design, net list, support information, device
				programming or simulation file, or any other related documentation or
				information is prohibited for any other purpose, including, but not
				limited to modification, reverse engineering, de-compiling, or use with
				any other silicon devices, unless such use is explicitly licensed under
				a separate agreement with Altera or a megafunction partner.  Title to
				the intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, trademarks,
				trade secrets, or maskworks, embodied in any such megafunction design,
				net list, support information, device programming or simulation file, or
				any other related documentation or information provided by Altera or a
				megafunction partner, remains with Altera, the megafunction partner, or
				their respective licensors.  No other licenses, including any licenses
				needed under any third party's intellectual property, are provided herein.
				***** Project compilation was successful
				Chip/                     Input   Output   Bidir         Shareable
				POF       Device          Pins    Pins     Pins     LCs  Expanders  % Utilized
				control   EPM7032LC44-6    1        3        0      7       0           21 %
				User Pins:                 1        3        0  
				Project Information                                       d:\frudh\control.rpt
				INFO: Signal 'clk' chosen for auto global Clock
				Project Information                                       d:\frudh\control.rpt
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				***** Logic for device 'control' compiled without errors.
				Device: EPM7032LC44-6
				Device Options:
				    Turbo Bit                                    = ON
				    Security Bit                                 = OFF
				              R  R  R                    R  R  
				              E  E  E                    E  E  
				              S  S  S                    S  S  
				              E  E  E                    E  E  
				              R  R  R                    R  R  
				              V  V  V  V  G  G  G  c  G  V  V  
				              E  E  E  C  N  N  N  l  N  E  E  
				              D  D  D  C  D  D  D  k  D  D  D  
				          /   6  5  4  3  2  1 44 43 42 41 40   | 
				RESERVED |  7                                39 | RESERVED 
				RESERVED |  8                                38 | RST 
				RESERVED |  9                                37 | LD 
				     GND | 10                                36 | EN 
				RESERVED | 11                                35 | VCC 
				RESERVED | 12         EPM7032LC44-6          34 | RESERVED 
				RESERVED | 13                                33 | RESERVED 
				RESERVED | 14                                32 | RESERVED 
				     VCC | 15                                31 | RESERVED 
				RESERVED | 16                                30 | GND 
				RESERVED | 17                                29 | RESERVED 
				         |_  18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  _| 
				              R  R  R  R  G  V  R  R  R  R  R  
				              E  E  E  E  N  C  E  E  E  E  E  
				              S  S  S  S  D  C  S  S  S  S  S  
				              E  E  E  E        E  E  E  E  E  
				              R  R  R  R        R  R  R  R  R  
				              V  V  V  V        V  V  V  V  V  
				              E  E  E  E        E  E  E  E  E  
				              D  D  D  D        D  D  D  D  D  
				N.C. = No Connect. This pin has no internal connection to the device.
				VCC = Dedicated power pin, which MUST be connected to VCC.
				GND = Dedicated ground pin or unused dedicated input, which MUST be connected to GND.
				RESERVED = Unused I/O pin, which MUST be left unconnected.
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				                                                Shareable     External
				Logic Array Block     Logic Cells   I/O Pins    Expanders   Interconnect
				A:     LC1 - LC16     0/16(  0%)   0/16(  0%)   0/16(  0%)   0/36(  0%) 
				B:    LC17 - LC32     7/16( 43%)   3/16( 18%)   0/16(  0%)   4/36( 11%) 
				Total dedicated input pins used:                 1/4      ( 25%)
				Total I/O pins used:                             3/32     (  9%)
				Total logic cells used:                          7/32     ( 21%)
				Total shareable expanders used:                  0/32     (  0%)
				Total Turbo logic cells used:                    7/32     ( 21%)
				Total shareable expanders not available (n/a):   0/32     (  0%)
				Average fan-in:                                  3.42
				Total fan-in:                                    24
				Total input pins required:                       1
				Total output pins required:                      3
				Total bidirectional pins required:               0
				Total logic cells required:                      7
				Total flipflops required:                        5
				Total product terms required:                    7
				Total logic cells lending parallel expanders:    0
				Total shareable expanders in database:           0
				Synthesized logic cells:                         0/  32   (  0%)
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				** INPUTS **
				                                         Expanders     Fan-In    Fan-Out
				 Pin     LC  LAB  Primitive    Code   Total Shared n/a INP  FBK  OUT  FBK  Name
				  43      -   -       INPUT  G            0      0   0    0    0    0    0  clk
				s = Synthesized pin or logic cell
				t = Turbo logic cell
				+ = Synchronous flipflop
				! = NOT gate push-back
				r = Fitter-inserted logic cell
				G = Global Source. Fan-out destinations counted here do not include destinations
				that are driven using global routing resources. Refer to the Auto Global Signals,
				Clock Signals, Clear Signals, Synchronous Load Signals, and Synchronous Clear Signals
				Sections of this Report File for information on which signals' fan-outs are used as
				Clock, Clear, Preset, Output Enable, and synchronous Load signals.
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				** OUTPUTS **
				                                         Expanders     Fan-In    Fan-Out
				 Pin     LC  LAB  Primitive    Code   Total Shared n/a INP  FBK  OUT  FBK  Name
				  36     22    B         FF   +  t        0      0   0    0    1    0    0  EN
				  37     21    B     OUTPUT      t        0      0   0    0    4    0    0  LD
				  38     20    B     OUTPUT      t        0      0   0    0    4    0    0  RST
				s = Synthesized pin or logic cell
				t = Turbo logic cell
				+ = Synchronous flipflop
				! = NOT gate push-back
				r = Fitter-inserted logic cell
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				** BURIED LOGIC **
				                                         Expanders     Fan-In    Fan-Out
				 Pin     LC  LAB  Primitive    Code   Total Shared n/a INP  FBK  OUT  FBK  Name
				 (39)    19    B       TFFE   +  t        0      0   0    0    3    3    0  Q3 (:6)
				 (40)    18    B       TFFE   +  t        0      0   0    0    2    2    1  Q2 (:7)
				 (41)    17    B       TFFE   +  t        0      0   0    0    1    2    2  Q1 (:8)
				 (34)    23    B       TFFE   +  t        0      0   0    0    0    2    3  Q0 (:9)
				s = Synthesized pin or logic cell
				t = Turbo logic cell
				+ = Synchronous flipflop
				! = NOT gate push-back
				r = Fitter-inserted logic cell
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				Logic Array Block 'B':
				                       Logic cells placed in LAB 'B'
				        +------------- LC22 EN
				        | +----------- LC21 LD
				        | | +--------- LC20 RST
				        | | | +------- LC19 Q3
				        | | | | +----- LC18 Q2
				        | | | | | +--- LC17 Q1
				        | | | | | | +- LC23 Q0
				        | | | | | | | 
				        | | | | | | |   Other LABs fed by signals
				        | | | | | | |   that feed LAB 'B'
				LC      | | | | | | | | A B |     Logic cells that feed LAB 'B':
				LC19 -> * * * * - - - | - * | 				LC18 -> - * * * * - - | - * | 				LC17 -> - * * * * * - | - * | 				LC23 -> - * * * * * * | - * | 				
				43   -> - - - - - - - | - - | 				
				* = The logic cell or pin is an input to the logic cell (or LAB) through the PIA.
				- = The logic cell or pin is not an input to the logic cell (or LAB).
				Device-Specific Information:                              d:\frudh\control.rpt
				** EQUATIONS **
				clk      : INPUT;
				-- Node name is 'EN' = ':2' 
				-- Equation name is 'EN', type is output 
				 EN      = DFFE(!Q3 $  GND, GLOBAL( clk),  VCC,  VCC,  VCC);
				-- Node name is 'LD' 
				-- Equation name is 'LD', location is LC021, type is output.
				 LD      = LCELL( _EQ001 $  GND);
				  _EQ001 = !Q0 &  Q1 & !Q2 &  Q3;
				-- Node name is ':9' = 'Q0' 
				-- Equation name is 'Q0', location is LC023, type is buried.
				Q0       = TFFE( VCC, GLOBAL( clk),  VCC,  VCC,  VCC);
				-- Node name is ':8' = 'Q1' 
				-- Equation name is 'Q1', location is LC017, type is buried.
				Q1       = TFFE( Q0, GLOBAL( clk),  VCC,  VCC,  VCC);
				-- Node name is ':7' = 'Q2' 
				-- Equation name is 'Q2', location is LC018, type is buried.
				Q2       = TFFE( _EQ002, GLOBAL( clk),  VCC,  VCC,  VCC);
				  _EQ002 =  Q0 &  Q1;
				-- Node name is ':6' = 'Q3' 
				-- Equation name is 'Q3', location is LC019, type is buried.
				Q3       = TFFE( _EQ003, GLOBAL( clk),  VCC,  VCC,  VCC);
				  _EQ003 =  Q0 &  Q1 &  Q2;
				-- Node name is 'RST' 
				-- Equation name is 'RST', location is LC020, type is output.
				 RST     = LCELL( _EQ004 $  GND);
				  _EQ004 = !Q0 & !Q1 &  Q2 &  Q3;
				--     Shareable expanders that are duplicated in multiple LABs:
				--     (none)
				Project Information                                       d:\frudh\control.rpt
				Processing Menu Commands
				Design Doctor                             = off
				Logic Synthesis:
				   Synthesis Type Used                    = Standard
				   Default Synthesis Style                = NORMAL
				      Logic option settings in 'NORMAL' style for 'MAX7000' family
				      DECOMPOSE_GATES                     = on
				      DUPLICATE_LOGIC_EXTRACTION          = on
				      MINIMIZATION                        = full
				      MULTI_LEVEL_FACTORING               = on
				      NOT_GATE_PUSH_BACK                  = on
				      PARALLEL_EXPANDERS                  = off
				      REDUCE_LOGIC                        = on
				      REFACTORIZATION                     = on
				      REGISTER_OPTIMIZATION               = on
				      RESYNTHESIZE_NETWORK                = on
				      SLOW_SLEW_RATE                      = off
				      SOFT_BUFFER_INSERTION               = on
				      SUBFACTOR_EXTRACTION                = on
				      TURBO_BIT                           = on
				      XOR_SYNTHESIS                       = on
				      IGNORE_SOFT_BUFFERS                 = off
				      USE_LPM_FOR_AHDL_OPERATORS          = off
				   Other logic synthesis settings:
				      Automatic Global Clock              = on
				      Automatic Global Clear              = on
				      Automatic Global Preset             = on
				      Automatic Global Output Enable      = on
				      Automatic Fast I/O                  = off
				      Automatic Register Packing          = off
				      Automatic Open-Drain Pins           = on
				      Automatic Implement in EAB          = off
				      One-Hot State Machine Encoding      = off
				      Optimize                            = 5
				Default Timing Specifications: None
				Cut All Bidir Feedback Timing Paths       = on
				Cut All Clear & Preset Timing Paths       = on
				Ignore Timing Assignments                 = off
				Functional SNF Extractor                  = off
				Linked SNF Extractor                      = off
				Timing SNF Extractor                      = on
				Optimize Timing SNF                       = off
				Generate AHDL TDO File                    = off
				Fitter Settings                           = NORMAL
				Smart Recompile                           = off
				Total Recompile                           = off
				Interfaces Menu Commands
				EDIF Netlist Writer                       = off
				Verilog Netlist Writer                    = off
				VHDL Netlist Writer                       = off
				Compilation Times
				   Compiler Netlist Extractor             00:00:00
				   Database Builder                       00:00:00
				   Logic Synthesizer                      00:00:00
				   Partitioner                            00:00:00
				   Fitter                                 00:00:00
				   Timing SNF Extractor                   00:00:00
				   Assembler                              00:00:00
				   --------------------------             --------
				   Total Time                             00:00:00
				Memory Allocated
				Peak memory allocated during compilation  = 3,226K
