linux图形界面x liberary手册

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												Xlib Programming Manual: Window Attributes: Border																3.2.2 Border Attribute								Only				InputOutput				windows can have a border.				You can set the border of an				InputOutput				window by using a pixel or a pixmap.																The border-pixmap attribute of a window specifies the pixmap to be used 				for a window's border.				The border-pixel attribute of a window specifies a pixmap of undefined size 				filled with that pixel be used for a window's border. 				Range checking is not performed on the background pixel;				it simply is truncated to the appropriate number of bits.				The border tile origin is always the same as the background tile origin.																You can also set the border-pixmap to a pixmap of any size (some may be faster				than others) or to				CopyFromParent				(default).				You can set the border-pixel to any pixel value (no default).																If you set a border-pixmap, 				it overrides the default.				The border-pixmap and the window must have the same depth,				or a				BadMatch				error results.				If you set the border-pixmap to 				CopyFromParent,				the parent window's border-pixmap is copied.				Subsequent changes to the parent window's border attribute do not affect 				the child window.				However, the child window must have the same depth as the parent window,				or a				BadMatch				error results.																The border-pixmap can be freed immediately if no further explicit reference				is made to it.				If you later draw into the pixmap used for the border,				what happens is undefined because the				X implementation is free either to make a copy of the pixmap or				to use the same pixmap.				If you specify a border-pixel, 				it overrides either the default border-pixmap				or any value you may have set in the border-pixmap.				All pixels in the window's border will be set to the border-pixel.				Setting a new border, whether by setting border-pixel or by setting				border-pixmap, overrides any previous border.																Output to a window is always clipped to the inside of the window. 				Therefore, graphics operations never affect the window border.								Next: Gravity Attribute								Christophe Tronche,															
