m4_comment([$Id: put.so,v 10.15 2003/10/18 19:15:53 bostic Exp $]) m4_ref_title(Access Methods, Storing records, @storing records, am/get, am/delete) m4_p([dnl The m4_refT(dbh_put) stores records into the database. In general, m4_ref(dbh_put) takes a key and stores the associated data into the database.]) m4_p([dnl There are a few flags that you can set to customize storage:]) m4_tagbegin m4_tag([m4_ref(DB_APPEND)], [Simply append the data to the end of the database, treating the database much like a simple log. This flag is only valid for the Queue and Recno access methods.]) m4_tag([m4_ref(DB_NOOVERWRITE)], [Only store the data item if the key does not already appear in the database.]) m4_tagend m4_p([dnl If the database has been configured to support duplicate records, the m4_refT(dbh_put) will add the new data value at the end of the duplicate set. If the database supports sorted duplicates, the new data value is inserted at the correct sorted location.]) m4_page_footer