README for SUSYNVXZ demo 10 Jun 1993 This demo creates synthetic seismograms in SEGY format using a Kirchhoff-WKBJ method, for v(x,z) velocity models. The WKBJ parameters are calculated via finite differencing. Makevel creates the v(x,z) velocity model Susynvxz creates the synthetic seismograms Xplot displays the output of Susynvxz on an X-windows system PSplot makes PostScript files for the output of Susynvxz Clean cleans up after running demos Note: this is a long running demo of a realistic model Timing results for on Pentium 100 MHz: 318.200u 8.060s 6:52.64 79.0% 0+0k 0+0io 48pf+0 (so in particular, about 7 minutes clock time)