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源代码在线查看: lib.c

软件大小: 1395 K
上传用户: ljw128
关键词: dvr
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				* (c) Copyright 2002, Vineyard Technologies, Inc.
				* Filename : lib.c
				* Programmer(s): Steve KyeongHyeon Lee
				* Created : 2003/05/07
				* Modified :
				* Description : Small library functions being used for every major functions
				#include "types.h"
				#include "lib.h"
				#include "gosd.h"
				#include "gio.h"
				// Change hexa ascii string (just 2 ascii characters) into number
				#ifdef CONIF
				u8 hatoc(u8 *str)
					u8 num=0, i;
					for(i=0; i						if     ( str[i]>='0' && str[i]						else if( str[i]>='A' && str[i]						else if( str[i]>='a' && str[i]					}
					return num;
				#endif //CONIF
				// Change unsigned character into 2 byte hex string
				void hctoa(u8 ch, u8* hex)
					u8 i,c;
					for(i=0;i					{
						if (i == 0) c = ch >> 4;
						else c = ch;
						c &= 0x0f;
						if (c >= 0 && c 						else hex[i] = 'A' + c - 10;
				// Change unsigned long 32bit into 8 byte hex string
				void u32toa(u32 ch, u8* hex)
					u8 i,c;
					for(i=0;i						c = ch>>(4*(7-i));
						c &= 0x0f;
						if( c>=0 && c						else hex[i] = 'A'+c-10;
				// Change ascii string into number
				#ifdef NOT_JUNK
				u16 a2i(u8 *str, u8 size)
					u8 num=0, i;
					for(i=0; i						if( str[i]>='0' && str[i]					}
					return num;
				#endif //NOT_JUNK
				// Change unsigned character into 3 byte decimal string
				void ctoa(u8 ch, u8* decimal)
					decimal[0] = '0' + ch/100; 
					ch = ch%100;
					decimal[1] = '0' + ch/10;
					ch = ch%10;
					decimal[2] = '0' + ch;
				// Change unsigned character into 2 byte decimal string
				void ctoa_s(u8 ch, u8* decimal)
					decimal[0] = '0' + ch/10;
					ch = ch%10;
					decimal[1] = '0' + ch;
				// Change unsigned character into n byte decimal string
				void dtoa(u16 val, u8* decimal_str, u8 len)
					u16 i,d=1;
					for(i=0;i					for(i=0;i					{
						decimal_str[i] = '0' + val/d;
						val = val%d;
						d = d / 10;
				// Change hexa ascii string (just 4 ascii characters) into number
				#ifdef CONIF
				u16 hatoi(u8 *str)
					u16 num=0, i;
					for(i=0; i						if     ( str[i]>='0' && str[i]						else if( str[i]>='A' && str[i]						else if( str[i]>='a' && str[i]					}
					return num;
				void mem_set(u8* ptr, u8 val, u16 len)
					u16 i;
					for(i=0;i						*ptr++ = val;
				// Change hexa ascii string (just 8 ascii characters) into number
				#if defined(DEBUG_HDD_DUMP)
				u32 hatol(u8 *str)
					xdata u32 num=0, i;
					for(i=0; i						if     ( str[i]>='0' && str[i]						else if( str[i]>='A' && str[i]						else if( str[i]>='a' && str[i]					}
					return num;
				u8 mem_cmp(u8* ptr1, u8* ptr2, u16 len)
					u16 i;
					for(i=0;i						if( *ptr1++ != *ptr2++ ){
							return 1;
					return 0;
				void mem_cpy(u8* pDst, u8* pOrg, u16 len)
					u16 i;
					for(i=0;i						*pDst++ = *pOrg++;
				/*#if defined(DEBUG_EVT)
				void mem_dump( u16 addr, u16 size )
					u16 i,j;
					u8 line[16],ch;
					printf("\n\rDUMP ADDR=0x%04x SIZE=0x%04x\n\r", addr, size);
					for(i=0;i						if((i%16) == 0)
							printf("%04x : ", addr);
						ch = XBYTE[addr];
						printf("%02x ", (u16)ch);
						line[i%16] = ch;
						if((i%16) == 15){
							printf("  ");
							for(j=0;j								if(line[j]>=0x20 && line[j]									printf("%c", line[j]);
				u8 time_equal(u32 big_time, u32 small_time)
					if(big_time < small_time) return FALSE;
					if( (big_time - small_time) > 3 ) return FALSE;
					return TRUE;
				void reboot(void)
					void (*reboot_1[1])(void) = 0;
				// y - line number
				// msg - string to show
				// len - the number of characters to show within msg character string (could be even or odd
				void center_line(u8 y, u8* msg, u8 len)
					u8 x;
					u8 i,j;
					u8 ch;
					x = 44 - ((len/2)*2); // calculate the first character position aligned to even value
					for(i=x,j=0;j					{
						ch = msg[j];
				void show_logo(u8* line1, u8 len1, u8* line2, u8 len2, u8* line3, u8 len3, u8* line4, u8 len4)
					u8 ver_str[20] = "";
				#if USE_ADJ
					ver_str[10] = '2';
				#ifdef DRAW_CROSS
				        ver_str[10] = '3';
				#ifdef FONT_SC
					ver_str[7] = '2';
				  					          //      123456789012345678901234567890
					osd_printf(16, osdgv_menu_base+2,8,"Version ");
					center_line(osdgv_menu_base+2, ver_str, 20);
					center_line(osdgv_menu_base+3, line1    ,len1 );
					center_line(osdgv_menu_base+4, line2    ,len2 );
					center_line(osdgv_menu_base+5, line3    ,len3 );
					center_line(osdgv_menu_base+6, line4    ,len4 );
				void disp_time(u8* date_time)
					xdata u8 i;
					for(i=0;i					{
						printf("%02d", (int)date_time[5-i]);
						if(i!=5) printf(":");
