$Log: hp100.c,v $
Revision 1.1 2006/06/26 03:02:53 joegenbaclor
I have decided to include the latest development realease of OPAL tagged Deimos Devel 1 (June 8 2006) as inegrated classes to opensipstack to avoid future version conflicts due to the fast pace in OPAL development. This move is also aimed to reduce the size of projects using OPAL componets such as the soon to be relased OpenSIPPhone.
Revision 2.2 2005/08/08 03:28:42 dereksmithies
Eradicate all "/ * within comments" messages from GCC compilations.
Revision 2.1 2003/03/14 09:53:27 robertj
Updated to openH323 v1.11.7
Revision 1.1 2000/06/05 04:45:12 robertj
Added LPC-10 2400bps codec
* Revision 1.2 1996/08/20 20:28:05 jaf
* Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
* code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
* argument.
* Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
* init_lpc10_encoder_state().
* Revision 1.1 1996/08/19 22:32:04 jaf
* Initial revision
#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
extern int hp100_(real *speech, integer *start, integer *end,
struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
extern int inithp100_(void);
/* -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
-lf2c -lm (in that order)
#include "f2c.h"
/* ********************************************************************* */
/* HP100 Version 55 */
* $Log: hp100.c,v $
* Revision 1.1 2006/06/26 03:02:53 joegenbaclor
* I have decided to include the latest development realease of OPAL tagged Deimos Devel 1 (June 8 2006) as inegrated classes to opensipstack to avoid future version conflicts due to the fast pace in OPAL development. This move is also aimed to reduce the size of projects using OPAL componets such as the soon to be relased OpenSIPPhone.
* Revision 2.2 2005/08/08 03:28:42 dereksmithies
* Eradicate all "/ * within comments" messages from GCC compilations.
* Revision 2.1 2003/03/14 09:53:27 robertj
* Updated to openH323 v1.11.7
* Revision 1.1 2000/06/05 04:45:12 robertj
* Added LPC-10 2400bps codec
* Revision 1.2 1996/08/20 20:28:05 jaf
* Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
* code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
* argument.
* Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
* init_lpc10_encoder_state().
* Revision 1.1 1996/08/19 22:32:04 jaf
* Initial revision
* */
/* Revision 1.6 1996/03/15 16:45:25 jaf */
/* Rearranged a few comments. */
/* Revision 1.5 1996/03/14 23:20:54 jaf */
/* Added comments about when INITHP100 should be used. */
/* Revision 1.4 1996/03/14 23:08:08 jaf */
/* Added an entry named INITHP100 that initializes the local state of */
/* subroutine HP100. */
/* Revision 1.3 1996/03/14 22:09:20 jaf */
/* Comments added explaining which of the local variables of this */
/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next, and which */
/* do not. */
/* Revision 1.2 1996/02/12 15:05:54 jaf */
/* Added lots of comments explaining why I changed one line, which was a */
/* declaration with initializations. */
/* Revision 1.1 1996/02/07 14:47:12 jaf */
/* Initial revision */
/* ********************************************************************* */
/* 100 Hz High Pass Filter */
/* Jan 92 - corrected typo (1.937148 to 1.935715), */
/* rounded coefficients to 7 places, */
/* corrected and merged gain (.97466**4), */
/* merged numerator into first two sections. */
/* Input: */
/* start, end - Range of samples to filter */
/* Input/Output: */
/* speech(end) - Speech data. */
/* Indices start through end are read and modified. */
/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next. If */
/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
/* INITHP100. */
/* Subroutine */ int hp100_(real *speech, integer *start, integer *end,
struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
/* Temporary local copies of variables in lpc10_encoder_state.
I've only created these because it might cause the loop below
to execute a bit faster to access local variables, rather than
variables in the lpc10_encoder_state structure. It is just a
guess that it will be faster. */
real z11;
real z21;
real z12;
real z22;
/* System generated locals */
integer i__1;
/* Local variables */
integer i__;
real si, err;
/* Arguments */
/* Local variables that need not be saved */
/* Local state */
/* Parameter adjustments */
if (speech) {
/* Function Body */
z11 = st->z11;
z21 = st->z21;
z12 = st->z12;
z22 = st->z22;
i__1 = *end;
for (i__ = *start; i__ si = speech[i__];
err = si + z11 * 1.859076f - z21 * .8648249f;
si = err - z11 * 2.f + z21;
z21 = z11;
z11 = err;
err = si + z12 * 1.935715f - z22 * .9417004f;
si = err - z12 * 2.f + z22;
z22 = z12;
z12 = err;
speech[i__] = si * .902428f;
st->z11 = z11;
st->z21 = z21;
st->z12 = z12;
st->z22 = z22;
return 0;
} /* hp100_ */