是一个经济学管理应用软件 很难找的 但是经济学学生又必须用到

源代码在线查看: profile.hlp

软件大小: 13704 K
上传用户: wuqiweipp
关键词: 经济学 应用软件
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				{* 30mar2005}{...}
				{cmd:help profile}
				{p 4 16 2}{hi:[GSW] A.7 Executing commands every time Stata is started}{p_end}
				{p 4 16 2}{hi:[GSM] A.7 Executing commands every time Stata is started}{p_end}
				{p 4 16 2}{hi:[GSU] A.7 Executing commands every time Stata is started}{p_end}
				Stata looks for the file profile.do when it is invoked, and if
				it finds it, executes the commands in it.
				For operating-system specific information, see
				{p 10 34 2}help {help profilew} {space 8} (Stata for Windows){p_end}
				{p 10 34 2}help {help profilem} {space 8} (Stata for Macintosh){p_end}
				{p 10 34 2}help {help profileu} {space 8} (Stata for Unix)
				See {hi:[U] 16 Do-files} for an explanation of do-files.  They are
				nothing more than text (ASCII) files containing a sequence of commands
				for Stata to execute.
				{title:Also see}
				Manual:  {bf:[GSW] A.7 Executing commands every time Stata is started},{break}
				{bf:[GSM] A.7 Executing commands every time Stata is started},{break}
				{bf:[GSU] A.7 Executing commands every time Stata is started}
				Online:  {helpb do}, {helpb doedit}
