
源代码在线查看: mixerocx.idl

软件大小: 54504 K
上传用户: yushuizi
关键词: 6.0 vc c语言 编程软件
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				// Copyright (c) 1998  Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
				import "unknwn.idl";
				// data id flags, used to notify the client whenever pertinent data changes
				#define MIXER_DATA_ASPECT_RATIO             0x00000001 // picture aspect ratio changed
				#define MIXER_DATA_NATIVE_SIZE              0x00000002 // native size of video changed
				#define MIXER_DATA_PALETTE                  0x00000004 // palette of video changed
				// status flags defined here
				#define MIXER_STATE_MASK                    0x00000003 // use this mask with state status bits
				#define MIXER_STATE_UNCONNECTED             0x00000000 // mixer is unconnected and stopped
				#define MIXER_STATE_CONNECTED_STOPPED       0x00000001 // mixer is connected and stopped
				#define MIXER_STATE_CONNECTED_PAUSED        0x00000002 // mixer is connected and paused
				#define MIXER_STATE_CONNECTED_PLAYING       0x00000003 // mixer is connected and playing
				interface IMixerOCXNotify;
				interface IMixerOCX;
				    helpstring("IMixerOCXNotify Interface"),
				interface IMixerOCXNotify : IUnknown
				    // invalidates the rect
				    HRESULT OnInvalidateRect([in] LPCRECT lpcRect);
				    // informs that a status change has occured, new status bits provided in ulStatusFlags
				    HRESULT OnStatusChange([in] ULONG ulStatusFlags);
				    // informs that data parameters, whose id is present in ilDataFlags has changed
				    HRESULT OnDataChange([in] ULONG ulDataFlags);
				    helpstring("IMixerOCX Interface"),
				interface IMixerOCX : IUnknown
				    // used to notify the mixer that the display mode has changed, the mixer handles this
				    // asynchronously and the calls OnStatusChange(MIXER_DISPLAYCHANGE_HANDLED) when processing
				    // is done
				    HRESULT OnDisplayChange([in] ULONG ulBitsPerPixel, [in] ULONG ulScreenWidth, [in] ULONG ulScreenHeight);
				    HRESULT GetAspectRatio([out] LPDWORD pdwPictAspectRatioX, [out] LPDWORD pdwPictAspectRatioY);
					HRESULT GetVideoSize([out] LPDWORD pdwVideoWidth, [out] LPDWORD pdwVideoHeight);
				    HRESULT GetStatus([out] LPDWORD *pdwStatus);
				    // the dc provided here is not supposed to be cached. If apps have set a dc using
				    // SetDrawInfo, then it is illegal to provide a non NULL argument here
				    HRESULT OnDraw([in] HDC hdcDraw, [in] LPCRECT prcDraw);
				    // lpptTopLeftSC should be NULL unless MIXER_DRAW_DC_ONSCREEN is set to TRUE
				    // specifying a NULL value for lprcClip means no clipping
				    // lpptTopLeftSC - top left corner of surface/dc in screen coordinates
				    // prcDrawCC - draw rectangle in surface/dc coordinates
				    // lprcClip - clipping rect in surface/dc coordinates (optional)
				    HRESULT SetDrawRegion([in] LPPOINT lpptTopLeftSC, [in] LPCRECT prcDrawCC, [in] LPCRECT lprcClip);
				    // function to set the sink interface for client notification
				    HRESULT Advise([in] IMixerOCXNotify *pmdns);
				    // function to remove the sink interface
				    HRESULT UnAdvise();
