
源代码在线查看: w.c

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上传用户: Erlin
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				/* w - show what logged in users are doing.  Almost entirely rewritten from				 * scratch by Charles Blake circa June 1996.  Some vestigal traces of the				 * original may exist.  That was done in 1993 by Larry Greenfield with some				 * fixes by Michael K. Johnson.				 *				 * Changes by Albert Cahalan, 2002.				 */				#include "proc/version.h"				#include "proc/whattime.h"				#include "proc/readproc.h"				#include "proc/devname.h"				#include "proc/procps.h"				#include "proc/sysinfo.h"				#include "proc/escape.h"				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 								static int ignoreuser = 0;	/* for '-u' */				static proc_t **procs;		/* our snapshot of the process table */								typedef struct utmp utmp_t;								#ifdef W_SHOWFROM				#   define FROM_STRING "on"				#else				#   define FROM_STRING "off"				#endif								/* Uh... same thing as UT_NAMESIZE */				#define USERSZ (sizeof u->ut_user)												/* This routine is careful since some programs leave utmp strings				 * unprintable.  Always outputs at least 16 chars padded with spaces				 * on the right if necessary.				 */				static void print_host(const char *restrict host, int len) {				    const char *last;				    int width = 0;								    /* FIXME: there should really be a way to configure this... */				    /* for now, we'll just limit it to the 16 that the libc5 version				     * of utmp uses.				     */				    if (len > 16) len = 16;				    last = host + len;				    for ( ; host < last ; host++){				        if (isprint(*host) && *host != ' ') {					    fputc(*host, stdout);					    ++width;					} else {					    break;					}				    }				    // space-fill, and a '-' too if needed to ensure the column exists				    if(width < 16) fputs("-               "+width, stdout);				}								/***** compact 7 char format for time intervals (belongs in libproc?) */				static void print_time_ival7(time_t t, int centi_sec, FILE* fout) {				    if((long)t < (long)0){  /* system clock changed? */				      printf("   ?   ");				      return;				    }				    if (t >= 48*60*60)				/* > 2 days */					fprintf(fout, " %2ludays", t/(24*60*60));				    else if (t >= 60*60)			/* > 1 hour */					fprintf(fout, " %2lu:%02um", t/(60*60), (unsigned) ((t/60)%60));				    else if (t > 60)				/* > 1 minute */					fprintf(fout, " %2lu:%02u ", t/60, (unsigned) t%60);				    else					fprintf(fout, " %2lu.%02us", t, centi_sec);				}								/**** stat the device file to get an idle time */				static time_t idletime(const char *restrict const tty) {				    struct stat sbuf;				    if (stat(tty, &sbuf) != 0)					return 0;				    return time(NULL) - sbuf.st_atime;				}								/***** 7 character formatted login time */				static void print_logintime(time_t logt, FILE* fout) {				    char weekday[][4] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" },					 month  [][4] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",							"Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };				    time_t curt;				    struct tm *logtm, *curtm;				    int today;								    curt = time(NULL);				    curtm = localtime(&curt);				    /* localtime returns a pointer to static memory */				    today = curtm->tm_yday;				    logtm = localtime(&logt);				    if (curt - logt > 12*60*60 && logtm->tm_yday != today) {					if (curt - logt > 6*24*60*60)					    fprintf(fout, " %02d%3s%02d", logtm->tm_mday, month[logtm->tm_mon],						    logtm->tm_year % 100);					else				            fprintf(fout, " %3s%02d  ", weekday[logtm->tm_wday], logtm->tm_hour);				    } else {				        fprintf(fout, " %02d:%02d  ", logtm->tm_hour, logtm->tm_min);				    }				}												/* This function scans the process table accumulating total cpu times for				 * any processes "associated" with this login session.  It also searches				 * for the "best" process to report as "(w)hat" the user for that login				 * session is doing currently.  This the essential core of 'w'.				 */				static const proc_t *getproc(const utmp_t *restrict const u, const char *restrict const tty, unsigned long long *restrict const jcpu, int *restrict const found_utpid) {				    int line;				    proc_t **pptr = procs;				    const proc_t *best = NULL;				    const proc_t *secondbest = NULL;				    unsigned uid = ~0U;								    *found_utpid = 0;				    if(!ignoreuser){					char buf[UT_NAMESIZE+1];					struct passwd *passwd_data;   /* pointer to static data */					strncpy(buf,u->ut_user,UT_NAMESIZE);					buf[UT_NAMESIZE] = '\0';					passwd_data = getpwnam(buf);					if(!passwd_data) return NULL;					uid = passwd_data->pw_uid;					/* OK to have passwd_data go out of scope here */				    }				    line = tty_to_dev(tty);				    *jcpu = 0;				    for(; *pptr; pptr++) {					const proc_t *restrict const tmp = *pptr;					if(unlikely(tmp->tgid == u->ut_pid)) {					    *found_utpid = 1;					    best = tmp;					}					if(tmp->tty != line) continue;					(*jcpu) += tmp->utime + tmp->stime;					secondbest = tmp;					/* same time-logic here as for "best" below */					if(!  (secondbest && tmp->start_time start_time)  ){					    secondbest = tmp;					}					if(!ignoreuser && uid != tmp->euid && uid != tmp->ruid) continue;					if(tmp->tgid != tmp->tpgid) continue;					if(best && tmp->start_time start_time) continue;				    	best = tmp;				    }				    return best ? best : secondbest;				}												/***** showinfo */				static void showinfo(utmp_t *u, int formtype, int maxcmd, int from) {				    unsigned long long jcpu;				    int ut_pid_found;				    unsigned i;				    char uname[USERSZ + 1] = "",					tty[5 + sizeof u->ut_line + 1] = "/dev/";				    const proc_t *best;								    for (i=0; i < sizeof(u->ut_line); i++)	/* clean up tty if garbled */					if (isalnum(u->ut_line[i]) || (u->ut_line[i]=='/'))					    tty[i+5] = u->ut_line[i];					else					    tty[i+5] = '\0';								    best = getproc(u, tty + 5, &jcpu, &ut_pid_found);								    /* just skip if stale utmp entry (i.e. login proc doesn't exist).  If there				     * is a desire a cmdline flag could be added to optionally show it with a				     * prefix of (stale) in front of cmd or something like that.				     */				    if (!ut_pid_found)					return;								    strncpy(uname, u->ut_user, USERSZ);		/* force NUL term for printf */				    if (formtype) {					printf("%-9.8s%-9.8s", uname, u->ut_line);					if (from)					    print_host(u->ut_host, sizeof u->ut_host);					print_logintime(u->ut_time, stdout);					if (*u->ut_line == ':')			/* idle unknown for xdm logins */					    printf(" ?xdm? ");					else					    print_time_ival7(idletime(tty), 0, stdout);					print_time_ival7(jcpu/Hertz, (jcpu%Hertz)*(100./Hertz), stdout);					if (best) {					    unsigned long long pcpu = best->utime + best->stime;					    print_time_ival7(pcpu/Hertz, (pcpu%Hertz)*(100./Hertz), stdout);					} else					    printf("   ?   ");				    } else {					printf("%-9.8s%-9.8s", u->ut_user, u->ut_line);					if (from)					    print_host(u->ut_host, sizeof u->ut_host);					if (*u->ut_line == ':')			/* idle unknown for xdm logins */					    printf(" ?xdm? ");					else					    print_time_ival7(idletime(tty), 0, stdout);				    }				    fputs(" ", stdout);				    if (likely(best)) {					char cmdbuf[512];					escape_command(cmdbuf, best, sizeof cmdbuf, &maxcmd, ESC_ARGS);					fputs(cmdbuf,stdout);				    } else {					printf("-");				    }				    fputc('\n', stdout);				}								/***** main */				int main(int argc, char **argv) {				    char *user = NULL;				    utmp_t *u;				    struct winsize win;				    int header=1, longform=1, from=1, args, maxcmd=80, ch;								#ifndef W_SHOWFROM				    from = 0;				#endif								    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");				    for (args=0; (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hlusfV")) != EOF; args++)					switch (ch) {					  case 'h': header = 0;		break;					  case 'l': longform = 1;	break;					  case 's': longform = 0;	break;					  case 'f': from = !from;	break;					  case 'V': display_version();	exit(0);					  case 'u': ignoreuser = 1;	break;					  default:					    printf("usage: w -hlsufV [user]\n"						   "    -h    skip header\n"						   "    -l    long listing (default)\n"						   "    -s    short listing\n"						   "    -u    ignore uid of processes\n"						   "    -f    toggle FROM field (default %s)\n"						   "    -V    display version\n", FROM_STRING);					    exit(1);					}								    if ((argv[optind]))					user = (argv[optind]);								    if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) != -1 && win.ws_col > 0)					maxcmd = win.ws_col;				    if (maxcmd < 71) {					fprintf(stderr, "%d column window is too narrow\n", maxcmd);					exit(1);				    }				    maxcmd -= 29 + (from ? 16 : 0) + (longform ? 20 : 0);				    if (maxcmd < 3)					fprintf(stderr, "warning: screen width %d suboptimal.\n", win.ws_col);								    procs = readproctab(PROC_FILLCOM | PROC_FILLUSR | PROC_FILLSTAT);								    if (header) {				/* print uptime and headers */					print_uptime();					printf("USER     TTY      ");					if (from)					    printf("FROM            ");					if (longform)					    printf("  LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT\n");					else					    printf("   IDLE WHAT\n");				    }								    utmpname(UTMP_FILE);				    setutent();				    if (user) {					for (;;) {					    u = getutent();					    if (unlikely(!u)) break;					    if (u->ut_type != USER_PROCESS) continue;				 	    if (!strncmp(u->ut_user, user, USERSZ)) showinfo(u, longform, maxcmd, from);					}				    } else {					for (;;) {					    u = getutent();					    if (unlikely(!u)) break;					    if (u->ut_type != USER_PROCESS) continue;				 	    if (*u->ut_user) showinfo(u, longform, maxcmd, from);					}				    }				    endutent();								    return 0;				}							
