UC Library Extensions UnderC comes with a pocket implementation of the standard C++ libraries, wh

源代码在线查看: function.h

软件大小: 419 K
上传用户: stuoju
关键词: implementation Extensions libraries standard
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#ifndef _FUNCTION_H
				#define _FUNCTION_H
				#include "table.h"
				#include "imports.h"
				#include "class.h"
				// structure that contains info about a PROC
				// (the CALL instruction is passed this)
				#include "engine.h"
				#define WITHIN_UC
				#include "export.h"
				#include "xtrace.h"
				class Function;
				#include "fblock.h"
				struct LineInfo {
				    string file;
				    int line, ip_offset;
				    Table *cntxt;
				class LineNumbersB {
				   virtual void add(const LineInfo& li) = 0;
				   virtual bool lookup_line(LineInfo& li, bool find_line=true) = 0;
				   virtual int  lookup_ip(int line) = 0;
				   virtual void lookup_range(int& l1, int& l2) = 0;
				   virtual void module(int id) = 0;
				   virtual int  module() = 0;
				   virtual void dump(ostream& out) = 0;
				class FunctionContext;
				const int FUNCTION = 487;
				class LocalContext: public Table {
				  Function *m_function;
				  bool m_no_auto_dtor;
				    LocalContext(Table *parent, Function *fun); 
				    int alloc(int sz, void *data);   // override Table::alloc()
				    void set_parent(Table *parent);
				    void finalize();
				    void add_line_no(const string& file, int line); // override
					bool check_objects(bool do_clear=true);
				    Function *function() { return m_function; }
				    void set_no_auto_dtor(bool yesno)   { m_no_auto_dtor = yesno;  }
				    bool no_auto_dtor()       { return m_no_auto_dtor;  }
				typedef LocalContext *PLocalContext;
				class FunctionContext: public LocalContext {
				   FunctionContext(Table *parent, Function *fun);
				   virtual void initialize();
				   virtual void finalize();
				   FBlock *fun_block();
				   bool  ip_to_line(LineInfo& li);
				// The Function class has three purposes:
				//  - manages the _function context_
				//  - looks after the type of the function (its signature)
				//  - keeps all necessary references to code & line numbers.
				class FunctionEntry; // forward
				class Expr;
				typedef Expr *PExpr;
				typedef std::list ExprList;
				typedef ExprList *PExprList;
				typedef std::vector ExprArray;
				typedef ExprArray *PExprArray;
				class TemplateInstance; // forward
				typedef unsigned char uchar;
				#undef CDECL
				class Function {
				  Signature *m_sig;
				  FunctionContext *m_context;
				  bool m_cdecl;
				  int m_slot_id;
				  PEntry m_ret_obj;  
				  FunctionEntry *m_fun_entry;
				  PExprArray m_default_args;
				  int m_default_index;
				  bool m_stdarg;
				  uchar m_builtin;
				  uchar m_ftype;
				  FBlock *m_fun_block;
				  LineNumbersB *m_line_nos;
				  TemplateInstance *m_templ_info;
				  ImportScheme *m_import_scheme;
				  int m_line;
				  int m_mod;
				  enum { CDECL=2, _STDCALL=1, STDMETHOD=3, UCFN=0 };
				  Function(Signature *sig, FunctionEntry *fe);
				  void attach_context(FunctionContext *context);
				  void set_construct_destruct(int ftype, bool no_implicit_type_conversion = false); 
				  bool is_destructor()  { return m_ftype==2; }
				  bool is_constructor() { return m_ftype==1; }
				  bool is_plain()       { return m_ftype==0; }
				  bool is_method()      { return m_ftype!=0; }
				   // non-NULL iff this is a 'complete' function
				  FunctionContext * context()     { return m_context; }
				  Signature *       signature()   { return m_sig; }
				  Type              return_type() { return m_sig->return_type(); }
				  LineNumbersB *    line_nos()     { return m_line_nos; }
				  // non-NULL iff this function returns an object value
				  PEntry return_object()   { return m_ret_obj; }
				  void return_object(PEntry pe) { m_ret_obj = pe; }
				  bool stdarg()            { return signature()->stdarg(); }
				  void stdarg(bool stdarg) { signature()->stdarg(stdarg); }
				  bool builtin()           { return m_builtin != 0;  }
				  void builtin(uchar b)    { m_builtin = b;          }
				  bool is_cdecl()          { return m_builtin == CDECL;  }
				  bool stdmethod()                     { return m_builtin == STDMETHOD; }
				  ImportScheme *import_scheme()        { return m_import_scheme; }
				  void import_scheme(ImportScheme *is) { m_import_scheme = is; }
				  void adjust_return_type(Type t) { m_sig->adjust_return_type(t); }
				  void fun_block(FBlock *fblk) { m_fun_block = fblk; }
				  FBlock *fun_block()          { return m_fun_block; }
				  FunctionEntry *fun_entry()   { return m_fun_entry; }
				  bool undefined();
				  void clear();
				  void dump(ostream& os);
				  string as_str();
				  static Function *from_fun_block(FBlock *pfb);
				  static Function *lookup(const string& nm);
				  string  name();
				  bool can_match(int size);
				  bool has_default_args()     { return m_default_args != NULL; }
				  void set_default_args(PExprList args);   
				  PExprList complete_arg_list(PExprList args);
				  // non-NULL iff this is a method of a class
				  Class *class_context()
				   { return signature()->class_ptr(); }
				  bool is_const()                  { return signature()->is_const(); }
				  bool is_static()                 { return class_context() != NULL && !is_method(); } 
				  // *change 1.2.3 A flag which is true if a function is to be _exported_ as cdecl
				  bool export_as_cdecl()           { return m_cdecl; }
				  void export_as_cdecl(bool yesno) { m_cdecl = yesno; }
				  int slot_id()                    { return m_slot_id;  }
				  void slot_id(int i);
				  bool is_virtual()                { return m_slot_id != 0; }
				  int  line()                      { return m_line; }
				  int  module()                    { return m_mod;  }
				 // (optional) template info
				  bool is_template()                       { return m_templ_info != NULL; }
				  TemplateInstance *get_template()         { return m_templ_info;  }
				  void set_template(TemplateInstance *pti) { m_templ_info = pti; }
				typedef std::list FunctionList;
				class TemplateEntry; // forward
				// for the now, FunctionEntry is really just a list of functions!
				class FunctionEntry {
				  FunctionList m_functions;
				  PEntry m_entry;
				  TemplateEntry *m_templ;
				  typedef FunctionList::const_iterator iterator;
				  FunctionEntry(PEntry pe)
				   : m_entry(pe),m_templ(NULL) {}
				  FunctionEntry(PEntry pe, const FunctionList& fl)
				   : m_entry(pe)
				  PEntry reference() { return m_entry; }
				  void dump (ostream& os);
				  // Finding functions within the set...
				  Function *simple_match(Signature *sig);
				  Function *full_match(Signature *sig);
				  Function *fun_from_fblock(FBlock *pfb);
				  Function *nth_fun(int idx);
				  // list-like interface!
				  void push_back(Function *f) { m_functions.push_back(f); }
				  void push_back(Signature *s) { push_back(new Function(s,this)); }
				  void pop_back() { m_functions.pop_back(); }
				  Function *back() const { return m_functions.back(); }
				  int size() const { return m_functions.size(); }
				  iterator begin() const { return m_functions.begin(); }
				  iterator end()   const { return m_functions.end(); }
				  void           set_template(TemplateEntry *te)  { m_templ = te; }
				  TemplateEntry *get_template() const             { return m_templ; }
				typedef Function *PFunction;
				typedef FunctionEntry *PFunctionEntry;
				ostream& operator 				
				class ConstructorContext: public FunctionContext {
				   ConstructorContext(Table *parent, Function *fun);
				   void initialize();
				   void finalize();
				class DestructorContext: public FunctionContext {
				   DestructorContext(Table *parent, Function *fun);
				///   void initialize();
				   void finalize();
