unix v7是最后一个广泛发布的研究型UNIX版本

源代码在线查看: sum.1

软件大小: 4279 K
上传用户: ludingpc
关键词: unix UNIX 发布 版本
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				.TH SUM 1 				.SH NAME				sum \- sum and count blocks in a file				.SH SYNOPSIS				.B sum				file				.SH DESCRIPTION				.I Sum				calculates and prints a 16-bit checksum for the named file,				and also prints the number of blocks in the file.				It is typically used to look for bad spots, or				to validate a file communicated over				some transmission line.				.SH "SEE ALSO"				wc(1)				.SH DIAGNOSTICS				`Read error'				is indistinuishable from end of file on				most devices; check the block count.							
