ajax 框价.是个好工具.javascript 矿家.可以用在任何平台.

源代码在线查看: xmlresourceparsertest3.class.js

软件大小: 1530 K
上传用户: hndsgzyb
关键词: javascript ajax
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/*								This is the JS code that goes together with the markup found in				XmlResourceParserTest.class.xml								*/								// create the constructor for the prototype (super class)				var MyListPanel = BiXmlResourceParser.getClassFromDocument(								application.getResourceById("test-class-xml").getDocument() );								_p = MyListPanel.prototype;				_p._className = "MyListPanel";								// override addXmlNode to add list items into the list				_p.addXmlNode = function ( oNode, oXmlResourceParser )				{					if ( oNode.nodeType == 1 )	// ELEMENT					{						var list = this.getComponentById( "list" );						var c = oXmlResourceParser.fromNode( oNode );						if ( c instanceof BiListItem )							list.add( c );						else							BiComponent.prototype.addXmlNode.apply( this, arguments );					}				};								// create getter and setter for caption so we can set the caption				_p.setCaption = function ( s )				{					var label = this.getComponentById( "label" );					label.setText( s );				};								_p.getCaption = function ()				{					var label = this.getComponentById( "label" );					return label.getText();				};								_p.close = function ()				{					alert( "Close " + this.getCaption() );				};							
