源代码在线查看: all.bat
@echo off
@Rem 重定向了则不能输出到屏幕
@echo. >> result.txt
@echo ************************************* >> result.txt
call date/t >> result.txt
call time/t >> result.txt
@echo *************************************
@echo ** Symbian batch program *********
@echo ** CopyRight(C) QTSoft *********
@echo ** Juncofenite.Xu *********
@echo *************************************
@Rem 按任意键继续... 相当于暂停
echo Clean All History Files......
if not exist bld.inf goto end
if exist abld.bat call abld clean
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call bldmake clean >> result.txt
call bldmake clean >> result.txt
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * Begin Build *
@echo ********************************************************
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * bldmake bldfiles *
@echo ********************************************************
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call bldmake bldfiles >> result.txt
call bldmake bldfiles >> result.txt
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * abld build wins udeb *
@echo ********************************************************
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call abld build wins udeb >> result.txt
call abld build wins udeb >> result.txt
call epoc/min
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * abld build vc6 *
@echo ********************************************************
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call abld build vc6 >> result.txt
call abld build vc6 >> result.txt
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * abld build thumb urel *
@echo ********************************************************
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call abld build thumb urel >> result.txt
call abld build thumb urel >> result.txt
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * makesis
@echo ********************************************************
cd ..\sis
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call makesis CallInfo.pkg >> result.txt
call makesis CallInfo.pkg >> result.txt
@echo ********************************************************
@echo * abld build armi urel(if use tool sisar) *
@echo ********************************************************
cd ..\group
@echo ******************************************************** >> result.txt
@echo call abld build armi urel >> result.txt
call abld build armi urel >> result.txt
@Rem cd D:\Symbian\7.0s\Series60_v21_C\Epoc32\tools
@Rem run sisar.exe
@Rem Just use follow codes
call sisar
@echo * the results text had saved in the file result.txt *
@echo * the tools epoc and sisar had start minimize *
@echo ********* All Finish***********************************
@echo * Do you want to have a look of the file result.txt? *
choice /c:yn show,notshow
if errorlevel 2 goto notshow
call notepad result.txt