/** * JacobGen generated file --- do not edit * * (http://www.bigatti.it/projects/jacobgen) */ package org.nethawker.word11; import com.jacob.com.*; public class Border extends Dispatch { public static final String componentName = "Word.Border"; public Border() { super(componentName); } /** * This constructor is used instead of a case operation to * turn a Dispatch object into a wider object - it must exist * in every wrapper class whose instances may be returned from * method calls wrapped in VT_DISPATCH Variants. */ public Border(Dispatch d) { // take over the IDispatch pointer m_pDispatch = d.m_pDispatch; // null out the input's pointer d.m_pDispatch = 0; } public Border(String compName) { super(compName); } public Application getApplication() { return new Application(Dispatch.get(this, "Application").toDispatch()); } public int getCreator() { return Dispatch.get(this, "Creator").toInt(); } public Object getParent() { return Dispatch.get(this, "Parent"); } public boolean getVisible() { return Dispatch.get(this, "Visible").toBoolean(); } public void setVisible(boolean lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "Visible", new Variant(lastParam)); } public int getColorIndex() { return Dispatch.get(this, "ColorIndex").toInt(); } public void setColorIndex(int lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "ColorIndex", new Variant(lastParam)); } public boolean getInside() { return Dispatch.get(this, "Inside").toBoolean(); } public int getLineStyle() { return Dispatch.get(this, "LineStyle").toInt(); } public void setLineStyle(int lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "LineStyle", new Variant(lastParam)); } public int getLineWidth() { return Dispatch.get(this, "LineWidth").toInt(); } public void setLineWidth(int lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "LineWidth", new Variant(lastParam)); } public int getArtStyle() { return Dispatch.get(this, "ArtStyle").toInt(); } public void setArtStyle(int lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "ArtStyle", new Variant(lastParam)); } public int getArtWidth() { return Dispatch.get(this, "ArtWidth").toInt(); } public void setArtWidth(int lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "ArtWidth", new Variant(lastParam)); } public int getColor() { return Dispatch.get(this, "Color").toInt(); } public void setColor(int lastParam) { Dispatch.put(this, "Color", new Variant(lastParam)); } }