Hitech microchip PIC C18 Compiler

源代码在线查看: flashwrite.c

软件大小: 4779 K
上传用户: hcwlxhyq
关键词: microchip Compiler Hitech C18
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#include 								void flash_write(far unsigned char * source_addr,unsigned char length,far unsigned char * dest_addr)				{					/* variable declaration */					unsigned char BUFFER[64];					unsigned char index;					unsigned char offset;									offset=(unsigned char)dest_addr;					while(offset>64)						offset-=64;					dest_addr-=offset;										while(length)					{						// fill the 64 byte data buffer either from ...						for(index=0;index						{							if((index>=offset)&&(length))	// specifed data area or ...							{								BUFFER[index]=*(source_addr++);								length--;							}							else				// otherwise from destination sector.								BUFFER[index]=*(dest_addr+index);						}										FLASH_ERASE(dest_addr);									// now begin to copy the buffer to the destination area				#if defined(SMALL_DATA)						TBLPTRU=0;	// if 16 bit code pointers selected, TBLPTRU must be cleared manually				#endif						TBLPTR=--dest_addr;	// load the destination address												offset=0;						for(index=0;index						{														TABLAT=BUFFER[index];	// copy the data buffer to the							asm("\tTBLWT+*");	// internal write buffer															if(++offset==8)	// after every 8th byte, the							{			// the write buffer is written to flash.								EEPGD=1;WREN=1;		// this is the required sequence								CARRY=0;if(GIE)CARRY=1;GIE=0;								EECON2=0x55;								EECON2=0xAA;								WR=1;								asm("\tNOP");								if(CARRY)GIE=1;								WREN=0;								offset=0;							}						}						dest_addr+=65;					}				}											
