initial working phase of the design of said editor, featuring multicasting, advanced linux keyboard

源代码在线查看: bugs.txt

软件大小: 75 K
上传用户: ggh062
关键词: multicasting featuring advanced keyboard
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				working on context support: see strange bug in								unknown bug while collapsing a long line, or using down arrow								get del_line to work with multiple cursors				test expansions with multiple cursors								track / fix memory leaks				the thing: line_s( line* ) and line( line* ) don't copy text				other thing: del_line_s deletes collapsed line_s								work with characters on a line: split, merge				expand, collapse: need to update pcol = col								cr: if at column 0, go back a line				bs: if on top line and it's a line_s, and not alone, delete the expansion								use the cx structure				rework last and next between line_s				view the filesystem				line color depending on id_mask, expansion								keystroke to cut/delete a line				cut / paste				grab / move: automatically collapses first								remove comments / debugging								sometimes when fumbling with the ctrl+alt+Fn keys, segfaults,				sometimes in uppercase, and also leaves the keyboard settings invalid							
