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源代码在线查看: accessing_serial_nor_flash_with_u-boot.html

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								 "">												  				  				  				  								  												start								Table of Contents																												Serial NOR Flash				Using eeprom command								Write uClinux kernel to serial flash and boot linux																								Serial NOR Flash																U-boot supports Serial NOR Flash - a four-wire SPI-compatible interface as used for serial EEPROM which provides a sequential read access.  They offer densities up to 8Mbytes.ST Flash has been validated with uClinux/Blackfin, and drivers are avalible.																You can build U-boot to boot from Serial NOR Flash, and you can also read and write the serial flash using U-Boot command eeprom. 																				Using eeprom command																				Write uClinux kernel to serial flash and boot linux																Firstly tftp download a file to one memory address (e.g., 0×1000000), then use eeprom write command to copy the file to the SPI flash address(For example, 0×100000).								 				stamp> tftp 0x1000000 uImage				stamp> eeprom write 0x1000000 0x100000 $(filesize)																    When done, use eeprom read command to copy it out to another memory address, e.g, 0×2000000. Then use cmp.b command to compare if the data at these two addresses are identical. Finally bootm the kernel that is copied from SPI flash. The commands are: 												stamp> eeprom read 0x2000000 0x100000 $(filesize)				stamp> cmp.b 0x1000000 0x2000000 $(filesize)				stamp> bootm 0x2000000												 eepromcompiling_u-boot																The page enabling_jffs2 shows details on how to write kernel image and JFFS2 file system image to serial NOR flash, and enable kernel to access serial NOR flash.																											
