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关键词: 264 编码解码器 源码 c语言
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								/*!				 **************************************************************************************				 * \file				 *    parsetcommon.h				 * \brief				 *    Picture and Sequence Parameter Sets, structures common to encoder and decoder				 *    This code reflects JVT version xxx				 *  \date 25 November 2002				 * \author				 *    Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details) 				 *      - Stephan Wenger        				 ***************************************************************************************				 */																// In the JVT syntax, frequently flags are used that indicate the presence of				// certain pieces of information in the NALU.  Here, these flags are also				// present.  In the encoder, those bits indicate that the values signalled to				// be present are meaningful and that this part of the syntax should be				// written to the NALU.  In the decoder, the flag indicates that information				// was received from the decoded NALU and should be used henceforth.				// The structure names were chosen as indicated in the JVT syntax								#ifndef _PARSETCOMMON_H_				#define _PARSETCOMMON_H_								#define MAXIMUMPARSETRBSPSIZE   1500				#define MAXIMUMPARSETNALUSIZE   1500				#define SIZEslice_group_id      (sizeof (int) * 60000)    // should be sufficient for HUGE pictures, need one int per MB in a picture								#define MAXSPS  32				#define MAXPPS  128								//! Boolean Type				typedef enum {				  FALSE,				  TRUE				} Boolean;								#define MAXIMUMVALUEOFcpb_cnt   32				typedef struct				{				  unsigned  cpb_cnt;                                          // ue(v)				  unsigned  bit_rate_scale;                                   // u(4)				  unsigned  cpb_size_scale;                                   // u(4)				    unsigned  bit_rate_value [MAXIMUMVALUEOFcpb_cnt];         // ue(v)				    unsigned  cpb_size_value[MAXIMUMVALUEOFcpb_cnt];          // ue(v)				    unsigned  vbr_cbr_flag[MAXIMUMVALUEOFcpb_cnt];            // u(1)				  unsigned  initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1;          // u(5)				  unsigned  cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1;                  // u(5)				  unsigned  dpb_output_delay_length_minus1;                   // u(5)				  unsigned  time_offset_length;                               // u(5)				} hrd_parameters_t;												typedef struct				{				  Boolean      aspect_ratio_info_present_flag;                   // u(1)				    unsigned  aspect_ratio_idc;                               // u(8)				      unsigned  sar_width;                                    // u(16)				      unsigned  sar_height;                                   // u(16)				  Boolean      overscan_info_present_flag;                       // u(1)				    Boolean      overscan_appropriate_flag;                      // u(1)				  Boolean      video_signal_type_present_flag;                   // u(1)				    unsigned  video_format;                                   // u(3)				    Boolean      video_full_range_flag;                          // u(1)				    Boolean      colour_description_present_flag;                // u(1)				      unsigned  colour_primaries;                             // u(8)				      unsigned  transfer_characteristics;                     // u(8)				      unsigned  matrix_coefficients;                          // u(8)				  Boolean      chroma_location_info_present_flag;                // u(1)				    unsigned  chroma_location_frame;                          // ue(v)				    unsigned  chroma_location_field;                          // ue(v)				  Boolean      timing_info_present_flag;                         // u(1)				    unsigned  num_units_in_tick;                              // u(32)				    unsigned  time_scale;                                     // u(32)				    Boolean      fixed_frame_rate_flag;                          // u(1)				  Boolean      nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag;                  // u(1)				    hrd_parameters_t nal_hrd_parameters;                      // hrd_paramters_t				  Boolean      vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag;                  // u(1)				    hrd_parameters_t vcl_hrd_parameters;                      // hrd_paramters_t				  // if ((nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag || (vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag))				    Boolean      low_delay_hrd_flag;                             // u(1)				  Boolean      bitstream_restriction_flag;                       // u(1)				    Boolean      motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag;        // u(1)				    unsigned  max_bytes_per_pic_denom;                        // ue(v)				    unsigned  max_bits_per_mb_denom;                          // ue(v)				    unsigned  log2_max_mv_length_vertical;                    // ue(v)				    unsigned  log2_max_mv_length_horizontal;                  // ue(v)				    unsigned  max_dec_frame_reordering;                       // ue(v)				    unsigned  max_dec_frame_buffering;                        // ue(v)				} vui_seq_parameters_t;												#define MAXnum_slice_groups_minus1  8				typedef struct				{				  Boolean   Valid;                  // indicates the parameter set is valid				  unsigned  pic_parameter_set_id;                             // ue(v)				  unsigned  seq_parameter_set_id;                             // ue(v)				  Boolean   entropy_coding_mode_flag;                         // u(1)				  // if( pic_order_cnt_type < 2 )  in the sequence parameter set				  Boolean      pic_order_present_flag;                           // u(1)				  unsigned  num_slice_groups_minus1;                          // ue(v)				    unsigned  slice_group_map_type;                        // ue(v)				    // if( slice_group_map_type = = 0 )				      unsigned  run_length_minus1[MAXnum_slice_groups_minus1]; // ue(v)				    // else if( slice_group_map_type = = 2 )				      unsigned  top_left[MAXnum_slice_groups_minus1];         // ue(v)				      unsigned  bottom_right[MAXnum_slice_groups_minus1];     // ue(v)				    // else if( slice_group_map_type = = 3 || 4 || 5				      Boolean   slice_group_change_direction_flag;            // u(1)				      unsigned  slice_group_change_rate_minus1;               // ue(v)				    // else if( slice_group_map_type = = 6 )				      unsigned  num_slice_group_map_units_minus1;             // ue(v)				      unsigned  *slice_group_id;                              // complete MBAmap u(v)				  unsigned  num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1;                     // ue(v)				  unsigned  num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1;                     // ue(v)				  Boolean   weighted_pred_flag;                               // u(1)				  Boolean   weighted_bipred_idc;                              // u(2)				  int       pic_init_qp_minus26;                              // se(v)				  int       pic_init_qs_minus26;                              // se(v)				  int       chroma_qp_index_offset;                           // se(v)				  Boolean   deblocking_filter_control_present_flag;           // u(1)				  Boolean   constrained_intra_pred_flag;                      // u(1)				  Boolean   redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag;                   // u(1)				  Boolean   vui_pic_parameters_flag;                          // u(1)				#ifndef G50_SPS				  Boolean   frame_cropping_flag;                              // u(1)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;                // ue(v)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;               // ue(v)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;                 // ue(v)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;              // ue(v)				#endif				} pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t;												#define MAXnum_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle  256				typedef struct				{				  Boolean   Valid;                  // indicates the parameter set is valid								  unsigned  profile_idc;                                      // u(8)				#ifdef G50_SPS				  Boolean   constrained_set0_flag;                            // u(1)				  Boolean   constrained_set1_flag;                            // u(1)				  Boolean   constrained_set2_flag;                            // u(1)				#endif				  unsigned  level_idc;                                        // u(8)				#ifndef G50_SPS				  Boolean   more_than_one_slice_group_allowed_flag;           // u(1)				  Boolean   arbitrary_slice_order_allowed_flag;               // u(1)				  Boolean   redundant_slices_allowed_flag;                    // u(1)				#endif				  unsigned  seq_parameter_set_id;                             // ue(v)				  unsigned  log2_max_frame_num_minus4;                        // ue(v)				  unsigned pic_order_cnt_type;				  // if( pic_order_cnt_type == 0 ) 				  unsigned log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4;                 // ue(v)				  // else if( pic_order_cnt_type == 1 )				    Boolean delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;               // u(1)				    int     offset_for_non_ref_pic;                         // se(v)				    int     offset_for_top_to_bottom_field;                 // se(v)				    unsigned  num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle;          // ue(v)				    // for( i = 0; i < num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle; i++ )				      int   offset_for_ref_frame[MAXnum_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle];   // se(v)				  unsigned  num_ref_frames;                                   // ue(v)				  Boolean   gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag;             // u(1)				  unsigned  pic_width_in_mbs_minus1;                          // ue(v)				  unsigned  pic_height_in_map_units_minus1;                   // ue(v)				  Boolean   frame_mbs_only_flag;                              // u(1)				  // if( !frame_mbs_only_flag ) 				    Boolean   mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag;                   // u(1)				  Boolean   direct_8x8_inference_flag;                        // u(1)				#ifdef G50_SPS				  Boolean   frame_cropping_flag;                              // u(1)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;                // ue(v)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;               // ue(v)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;                 // ue(v)				    unsigned  frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;              // ue(v)				#endif				  Boolean   vui_parameters_present_flag;                      // u(1)				    vui_seq_parameters_t vui_seq_parameters;                  // vui_seq_parameters_t				} seq_parameter_set_rbsp_t;								pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t *AllocPPS ();				seq_parameter_set_rbsp_t *AllocSPS ();				void FreePPS (pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t *pps);				void FreeSPS (seq_parameter_set_rbsp_t *sps);								#endif							
