
源代码在线查看: starttag.java

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关键词: J2ME 即时消息
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				package org.kxml.parser;								import java.io.IOException;				import java.util.*;								import org.kxml.*;				import org.kxml.io.*;												/** A class for events indicating the start of a new element */												public class StartTag extends ParseEvent {								    String name;				    String namespace = Xml.NO_NAMESPACE;				    Vector attributes;				    boolean degenerated;				    StartTag parent;				    PrefixMap prefixMap;												    /** creates a new StartTag. The attributes are not copied and may					be reused in e.g. the DOM. So DO NOT CHANGE the attribute					vector after handing over, the effects are undefined */								    public StartTag (StartTag parent, String namespace, 						     String name, Vector attributes, 						     boolean degenerated) {									this.parent = parent;					this.namespace = namespace == null ? Xml.NO_NAMESPACE : namespace;					this.name = name;					this.attributes = attributes;					this.degenerated = degenerated;										prefixMap = parent == null ? new PrefixMap () : parent.prefixMap;				    }												  								    /** creates a new StartTag from the given string (including					attributes) without brakets. It is assumed that the opening					braket is already consumed. */								    public StartTag (StartTag parent, 						     LookAheadReader reader, 						     boolean relaxed) throws IOException {				       					this.parent = parent;									prefixMap = parent == null ? new PrefixMap () : parent.prefixMap;									name = reader.readTo ("/> \t\n\r");									//System.out.println ("name: ("+name+")");								        attributes = new Vector ();										while (true) { 					    reader.skipWhitespace ();					    					    int c = reader.peek ();					    					    if (c == '/') {						degenerated = true;						reader.read ();						reader.skipWhitespace ();						if (reader.read () != '>') 						    throw new ParseException  							("illegal element termination", null, 							 reader.getLineNumber (), 							 reader.getColumnNumber ());						break;					    }									    if (c == '>') { 						reader.read ();						break;					    }									    if (c == -1) 						throw new ParseException 						    ("unexpected eof", null, 						     reader.getLineNumber (),						     reader.getColumnNumber ());									    String attrName = reader.readTo ("=> ");					    					    while (attrName.length () > 0 						   && attrName.charAt (attrName.length () - 1) 						attrName = attrName.substring (0, attrName.length ()-1); 									    if (reader.read () != '=') 						throw new ParseException 						    ("Attribute name "+attrName						     +"must be followed by '=' immediately!", null,						     reader.getLineNumber (),						     reader.getColumnNumber ());									    reader.skipWhitespace ();					    int delimiter = reader.read ();									    if (delimiter != '\'' && delimiter != '"') {						if (!relaxed)						    throw new ParseException 							(": invalid delimiter: " 							 + (char) delimiter, null,  							 reader.getLineNumber (), 							 reader.getColumnNumber ());												String s = Xml.decode (""+delimiter + reader.readTo ("> "));						attributes.addElement (new Attribute (null, attrName, s));					    }					    else { 						String s = Xml.decode (reader.readTo ((char) delimiter));						attributes.addElement (new Attribute (null, attrName, s));						reader.read ();  // skip endquote					    }					}	    				    }												    /** resolves namespaces from given prefixMap and					updates prefixMap with new namespace definitions */													    public void fixNamespaces () {									boolean any = false; 									for (int i = attributes.size () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {					    Attribute attr = (Attribute) attributes.elementAt (i);					    String name = attr.getName ();					    int cut = attr.getName ().indexOf (':');					    String prefix;									    if (cut != -1) {						prefix = name.substring (0, cut);						name = name.substring (cut+1);					    }					    else if (name.equals ("xmlns")) {						prefix = name;						name = "";					    } 					    else continue;									    if (!prefix.equals ("xmlns")) {						if (!prefix.equals ("xml")) any = true;					    }					    else {						prefixMap = new PrefixMap (prefixMap, name, attr.getValue ());					    						//System.out.println (prefixMap);						attributes.removeElementAt (i);					    }					}									int len = attributes.size ();									if (any) {					    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {						Attribute attr = (Attribute) attributes.elementAt (i);						String attrName = attr.getName ();						int cut = attr.getName ().indexOf (':');										if (cut != -1) {		    						    String attrPrefix = attrName.substring (0, cut);						    if (!attrPrefix.equals ("xml")) {							attrName = attrName.substring (cut+1);						    							String attrNs = prefixMap.getNamespace (attrPrefix);						    							if (attrNs == null) 							    throw new RuntimeException 								("Undefined Prefix: "+attrPrefix + " in " + this);											attributes.setElementAt 							    (new Attribute (attrNs, 									    attrName, attr.getValue ()), i);						    }						}					    }					}										int cut = name.indexOf (':');										String prefix;					if (cut == -1) prefix = "";					else {					    prefix = name.substring (0, cut);					    name = name.substring (cut+1);					}									namespace = prefixMap.getNamespace (prefix);									if (namespace == null && prefix != "") 					    throw new RuntimeException 						("undefined prefix: "+prefix+" in "+prefixMap +" at "+this);				    }												    /** returns the attribute at the given index position */								    public Attribute getAttribute (int index) {					return (Attribute) attributes.elementAt (index);				    }				    				    				    /** returns the local attribute with the given name.  convenience					method for getAttribute (null, name); */								    public Attribute getAttribute (String name) {					return getAttribute ("", name);				    }												    /** returns the local attribute with the given qualified name. */								    public Attribute getAttribute (String namespace, String name) {									int len = attributes.size ();					if (namespace == null) namespace = "";									for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {					    Attribute attr = (Attribute) attributes.elementAt (i);					    					    if (namespace.equals (attr.getNamespace ()) 						&& attr.getName ().equals (name)) 												return attr;  					}									return null;				    }												    /** returns the number of attributes */								    public int getAttributeCount () {					return attributes.size ();				    }												    /** returns the attribute vector */								    public Vector getAttributes () {					return attributes;				    }												    /** retrurns if the element is degenerated */								    public boolean getDegenerated () {					return degenerated;				    }								    /** returns the (local) name of the element started */								    public String getName () {					return name;				    }												    /** returns namespace */ 								    public String getNamespace () {					return namespace;				    }												    public PrefixMap getPrefixMap () {					return prefixMap;				    }												    /** Returns the start tag of the parent element. */ 								    public StartTag getParent () {					return parent;				    }								    /** returns the integer constant assigned to this event type				     	(Xml.START_TAG).  */								    public int getType () {					return Xml.START_TAG;				    }																								    /** Returns the value of the attribute with the given name.					Throws a RuntimeException if the given attribute does not					exist. Please use getValueDefault (attrname, null) in order to					get a null value if the attribute is not existing. */												    public String getValue (String attrName) {					Attribute attr = getAttribute (attrName);					if (attr == null) throw new RuntimeException 					    ("Attribute "+ attrName + " in " + this + " expected!");					return attr.getValue ();				    }												    /** Returns the given attribute value, or the given default value					if the attribute is not existing. */								    public String getValueDefault (String attrName, String deflt) {					Attribute attr = getAttribute (attrName);					return attr == null ? deflt : attr.getValue ();				    }												    public boolean endCheck (StartTag start) {					throw new RuntimeException ("unexpected element: "+this);				    }								    /** Simplified (!) toString method for debugging					purposes only. In order to actually write valid XML,				        please use a XmlWriter. */												    public String toString () {					StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ("					buf.append (name);					for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size (); i++) {					    Attribute attr = getAttribute (i);					    buf.append (" ");					    buf.append (attr.getName ());					    buf.append ("=\"");					    buf.append (attr.getValue ());					    buf.append ("\"");					}									buf.append (">");									if (lineNumber != -1) buf.append ("");									return buf.toString ();				    }												    public void setPrefixMap (PrefixMap map) {					this.prefixMap = map;				    }				}											
