
源代码在线查看: xmlwriter.java

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				package org.kxml.io;								import java.io.*;				import java.util.*;								import org.kxml.*;												/** a concrete XML Writer */								public class XmlWriter extends AbstractXmlWriter {								    protected Writer writer;				    boolean pending = false;				    int indentLevel = 0;				    int noIndent = Integer.MAX_VALUE;												    static char [] indent 					= {'\r', '\n', 					   ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 					   ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',  ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',					   ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',  ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '};				    								    /** creates a new xmlWritet based on the given writer */				    				    public XmlWriter (Writer writer) {					this.writer = writer;				    }				    								    protected void checkPending () throws IOException {					if (pending) {					    writer.write ('>');					    pending = false;					}				    }								    /** closes the XmlWriter by closing the underlying writer */								    public void close () throws IOException {					flush ();					writer.close ();				    }												    /** flushes the XmlWriter. Attention: If a closing					angle braket is pending, it will be appended before					flushing the underlying writer. Thus, after flush					attributes cannot be added any longer */								    public void flush () throws IOException {					checkPending ();					writer.flush ();				    }												    /** writes a single character using the xml escaping rules */								    public void write (char c) throws IOException {					checkPending ();					if (noIndent > indentLevel) noIndent = indentLevel;									switch (c) {					case '					case '>': writer.write (">"); break;					case '&': writer.write ("&"); break;   					default: writer.write (c); 					}  				    }				    				    												    /** writes an character array using the XML escaping rules */								    public void write (char [] buf, int start, int len) throws IOException {					checkPending ();					if (noIndent > indentLevel) noIndent = indentLevel;									int end = start + len;										do {					    int i = start;					    					    while (i < end && "&".indexOf (buf [i]) == -1) i++; 					    					    writer.write (buf, start, i - start);					    					    if (i == end) break;					    					    write (buf [i]);									    start = i+1;					}   					while (start < end);				    }								    				    public void writeIndent () throws IOException {									int l = indentLevel + 2;										if (l < 2) l = 2;					else if (l > indent.length) l = indent.length;									checkPending ();					//	writer.write ("");					writer.write (indent, 0, l);				    }													    /** writes a degenerated tag with the given name and attributes */								    public void attribute (String name, 							   String value) throws IOException {									if (!pending) throw new RuntimeException 					    ("can write attr only immediately after a startTag");										writer.write (' ');					writer.write (name);					writer.write ("=\"");					writer.write (Xml.encode (value, Xml.ENCODE_QUOT));					writer.write ('"');									if (name.equals ("xml:space") && value.equals ("preserve"))					    noIndent = indentLevel;				    }																				    /** writes a start tag with the given name */								    protected void startTag (PrefixMap prefixMap, 							     String tag) throws IOException {									current = new State (current, prefixMap, tag);									checkPending ();									if (indentLevel < noIndent) 					    writeIndent ();									indentLevel++;									writer.write ('					writer.write (tag);									pending = true;				    }				    								    /** writes an end tag. */																	    public void endTag () throws IOException {					indentLevel--;									if (pending) {					    writer.write (" />");					    pending = false;					}					else {					    if (indentLevel + 1 < noIndent) 						writeIndent ();									    writer.write ("					    writer.write (current.tag);					    writer.write (">");					}									if (indentLevel + 1 == noIndent) 					    noIndent = Integer.MAX_VALUE;									current = current.prev;					if (current == null) 					    throw new RuntimeException ("too many closing tags!");				    }   												    /** ATTENTION: Application needs to take care about not writing				        illegal character sequences (like comment end in comments) */								    public void writeLegacy (int type, String content) throws IOException {					checkPending ();					switch (type) {					case Xml.COMMENT: 					    writer.write ("					    writer.write (content);					    writer.write ("-->");									    break;					case Xml.DOCTYPE:					    writer.write ("					    writer.write (content);					    writer.write (">");					    break;									case Xml.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:					    writer.write ("					    writer.write (content);					    writer.write ("?>");					    break;					}				    }												    /** writes a string without escaping. Use with care! Not					available in wbxml writer */								    public void writeRaw (String s) throws IOException {					checkPending ();					writer.write (s);				    }				}							
