% Helpful transformation and simulation functions % % Transformation Matrix Tools. % eulerdcm - Generate NED --> body rotation matrix from euler angles. % eulerwx - Generate omega-cross matrix from body rates. % eulstrap - Generate euler angle ODE matrix from euler angles. % quatdcm - Generate NED --> body rotation matrix from quaternion. % quatwx - Generate quaternion ODE matrix from body rates. % quaterr - Generates an error vector from two quaternions. % dphidq - Generate row-vector of derivatives [dphi/dq0...dphi/dq3] % dthetadq - Generate row-vector of derivatives [dtheta/dq0...dtheta/dq3] % dpsidq - Generate row-vector of derivatives [dpsi/dq0...dpsi/dq3] % % Conversion Tools. % alphabeta - Generate alpha, beta angles from body velocities. % euler2quat - Convert from euler angles to quaternion. % normq - Normalize a quaternion to length 1. % quat2euler - Convert from quaternion to euler angles. % tohrev - Convert -2*pi % % Simulation Tools. % sixdofe - Rigid body 6-DOF dynamics using euler angle propogation. % sixdofq - Rigid body 6-DOF dynamics using quaternion propogation. % % GPS Position Tools. % ecef2llh - Convert from ECEF coordinates to Lat, Lon, Altitude. % llh2ecef - Convert from Lat, Lon, Altitude to ECEF coordinates. % sat2pos - Generate a position solution from satillite information. % % Other Tools. % sat - Limit function (min % line - Linear independant -> dependant mapping.