
源代码在线查看: unit4.dfm

软件大小: 36519 K
上传用户: jill
关键词: 软件
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object Form4: TForm4
				  Left = 192
				  Top = 107
				  HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
				  VertScrollBar.Visible = False
				  BorderStyle = bsDialog
				  Caption = 'About'
				  ClientHeight = 227
				  ClientWidth = 419
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  OnCreate = FormCreate
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object Memo1: TMemo
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 419
				    Height = 227
				    BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
				    Color = clWindowFrame
				    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clWhite
				    Font.Height = -11
				    Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
				    Font.Style = []
				    Lines.Strings = (
				      'The lines.'
				        'There is a board of 9*9 cells. There are 6 types of balls. Playe' +
				        'r can move them '
				        'around by clicking on them and clicking the place he want them t' +
				        'o go. After each '
				        'move another 3 balls appear on the board. Their type is randomly' +
				        ' selected. In the '
				        'upper left corner of the window Player can see which type next t' +
				        'hree balls will be. '
				        'The idea is to make a line with 5 or more balls of the same type' +
				        '. The line can go '
				        'either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If player do that' +
				        ', the line disappears and '
				        'player gets 1 point for each disappeared ball. There is a counte' +
				        'r in the upper right '
				      'corner of the screen that indicates the number of points. '
				        'The goal is to get as many points as possible before all board i' +
				        's filled with balls. '
				        'There is a records table, where Player can see the 10 top result' +
				        's of previous '
				    ParentBiDiMode = False
				    ParentFont = False
				    ReadOnly = True
				    ScrollBars = ssVertical
				    TabOrder = 0
