jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: mainformunit.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object MainForm: TMainForm
				  Left = 344
				  Top = 153
				  Width = 507
				  Height = 454
				  Caption = 'Embedded Forms Demo'
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  Position = poScreenCenter
				  OnShow = FormShow
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object PageControl1: TPageControl
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 499
				    Height = 427
				    ActivePage = TabSheet1
				    Align = alClient
				    TabIndex = 0
				    TabOrder = 0
				    object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
				      Caption = 'Example 1'
				      object Label1: TLabel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 0
				        Width = 491
				        Height = 16
				        Align = alTop
				        Alignment = taCenter
				        AutoSize = False
				        Caption = 'Shared Embedded Form'
				        Color = clWindowText
				        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				        Font.Color = clWindow
				        Font.Height = -11
				        Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
				        Font.Style = []
				        ParentColor = False
				        ParentFont = False
				        Layout = tlCenter
				      object JvEmbeddedFormPanel1: TJvEmbeddedFormPanel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 16
				        Width = 491
				        Height = 383
				        AlwaysVisible = False
				        FormLink = FirstEmbeddedForm.JvEmbeddedFormLink1
				        Align = alClient
				        Color = 12508350
				        ParentColor = False
				        ParentShowHint = False
				        ShowHint = False
				        TabOrder = 0
				      object btnDock: TButton
				        Left = 360
				        Top = 344
				        Width = 107
				        Height = 25
				        Caption = 'Show Stand-Alone'
				        TabOrder = 1
				        OnClick = btnDockClick
				    object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
				      Caption = 'Example 2'
				      ImageIndex = 1
				      object Label4: TLabel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 0
				        Width = 491
				        Height = 16
				        Align = alTop
				        Alignment = taCenter
				        AutoSize = False
				        Caption = 'Shared Embedded Form'
				        Color = clWindowText
				        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				        Font.Color = clWindow
				        Font.Height = -11
				        Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
				        Font.Style = []
				        ParentColor = False
				        ParentFont = False
				        Layout = tlCenter
				      object JvEmbeddedFormPanel2: TJvEmbeddedFormPanel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 16
				        Width = 491
				        Height = 383
				        AlwaysVisible = False
				        FormLink = FirstEmbeddedForm.JvEmbeddedFormLink1
				        Align = alClient
				        Color = 12508350
				        ParentColor = False
				        TabOrder = 0
				    object TabSheet3: TTabSheet
				      Caption = 'Example 3'
				      ImageIndex = 2
				      object Label3: TLabel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 0
				        Width = 491
				        Height = 16
				        Align = alTop
				        Alignment = taCenter
				        AutoSize = False
				        Caption = 'New Instance Embedded Form (sharing the deeply embedded form)'
				        Color = clWindowText
				        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				        Font.Color = clWindow
				        Font.Height = -11
				        Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
				        Font.Style = []
				        ParentColor = False
				        ParentFont = False
				        Layout = tlCenter
				      object JvEmbeddedInstanceFormPanel1: TJvEmbeddedInstanceFormPanel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 16
				        Width = 491
				        Height = 383
				        AlwaysVisible = False
				        FormLink = FirstEmbeddedForm.JvEmbeddedFormLink1
				        Align = alClient
				        Color = 12508350
				        ParentColor = False
				        TabOrder = 0
				    object TabSheet4: TTabSheet
				      Caption = 'How it works'
				      ImageIndex = 3
				      object Memo1: TMemo
				        Left = 8
				        Top = 8
				        Width = 481
				        Height = 390
				        Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
				        Color = clWindowText
				        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				        Font.Color = clWindow
				        Font.Height = -11
				        Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
				        Font.Style = []
				        Lines.Strings = (
				            'To use these components, you need to perform the following steps' +
				          '1. Your project must contain more than one form'
				          '2. Forms must be auto-created to set up the link at design-time'
				            '3. Drop a TJvEmbeddedFormLink component on each form that should' +
				            ' be embedded in another form'
				            '4. On each form that should embed another form, drop a TJvEmbedd' +
				            'edFormPanel or a TJvEmbeddedInstanceFormPanel component'
				            '5. Add the form to embed to the current forms uses clause (or se' +
				            'lect File|Use Unit... from the Delphi menu)'
				            '6. In each TJvEmbedded(Instance)FormPanel, set the FormLink prop' +
				            'erty to point to the appropriate TJvEmbeddedFormLink component'
				          '7. Run the program!')
				        ParentFont = False
				        ScrollBars = ssVertical
				        TabOrder = 0
				        WordWrap = False
