jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: mainfrm.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object frmMain: TfrmMain
				  Left = 306
				  Top = 126
				  Width = 599
				  Height = 274
				  Caption = 'JvValidators demo'
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Constraints.MinHeight = 270
				  Constraints.MinWidth = 560
				  DefaultMonitor = dmDesktop
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  Position = poDesktopCenter
				  Scaled = False
				  OnCreate = FormCreate
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object Label1: TLabel
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 16
				    Width = 155
				    Height = 13
				    Caption = 'This edit must have a(ny) value:'
				    FocusControl = edRequired
				  object Label2: TLabel
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 64
				    Width = 215
				    Height = 13
				    Caption = 'This edit must have more than 9  characters:'
				    FocusControl = edRequired10Chars
				  object Label3: TLabel
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 112
				    Width = 213
				    Height = 13
				    Caption = 'This edit must match the reg. expr."A.B.C.":'
				    FocusControl = edRegExpr
				  object Label4: TLabel
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 160
				    Width = 188
				    Height = 13
				    Caption = 'The value must be between 0 and 100:'
				    FocusControl = edRange0to100
				  object Label5: TLabel
				    Left = 272
				    Top = 16
				    Width = 34
				    Height = 13
				    Caption = 'Result:'
				  object edRequired: TEdit
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 32
				    Width = 217
				    Height = 21
				    TabOrder = 0
				  object edRequired10Chars: TEdit
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 80
				    Width = 217
				    Height = 21
				    TabOrder = 1
				  object edRegExpr: TEdit
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 128
				    Width = 217
				    Height = 21
				    TabOrder = 2
				  object edRange0to100: TEdit
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 176
				    Width = 217
				    Height = 21
				    TabOrder = 3
				    Text = '-1'
				  object udRange0to100: TUpDown
				    Left = 233
				    Top = 176
				    Width = 15
				    Height = 21
				    Associate = edRange0to100
				    Min = -100
				    Max = 200
				    Position = -1
				    TabOrder = 4
				    Wrap = False
				  object btnCheck: TButton
				    Left = 381
				    Top = 210
				    Width = 156
				    Height = 25
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
				    Caption = 'Use OnValidateFailed'
				    TabOrder = 7
				    OnClick = btnCheckClick
				  object btnProviderCheck: TButton
				    Left = 6
				    Top = 210
				    Width = 161
				    Height = 25
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
				    Caption = 'Use JvErrorIndicator'
				    TabOrder = 5
				    OnClick = btnProviderCheckClick
				  object reResults: TRichEdit
				    Left = 272
				    Top = 32
				    Width = 306
				    Height = 167
				    Cursor = crArrow
				    TabStop = False
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
				    Ctl3D = True
				    Lines.Strings = (
				        'This is a demo for the JvValidators component as well as the JvE' +
				        'rrorProvider and, to some extent, the JvValidationSummary compon' +
				        'By creating and setting up different validators (at run-time in ' +
				        'this demo but you can do it at design-time as well), the edit bo' +
				        'xes can be checked for validity by a single call to the Validate' +
				        ' method. When one of the validators finds that a control doesn'#39't' +
				        ' match the validation criteria, that error can be handled in dif' +
				        'ferent ways depending on your needs.'
				        'One option is to just check the boolean return value from Valida' +
				        'te and display a standard message box telling the user that a va' +
				        'lue didn'#39't match.'
				        'You can also handle the OnValidateFailed event of all validators' +
				        ' at once (the TJvValidators event) or for each validator separat' +
				        'ely (the TJvBaseValidator event). Yet another option is to assig' +
				        'n a TJvValidationSummary component to the ValidationSummary prop' +
				        'erty of tJvValidators and handle it'#39's OnChange event.'
				        'Finally, you can combine the work of the validators with the use' +
				        ' of a TJvErrorIndicator.'
				        'For more info on TJvErrorIndicator, see the demo for that compon' +
				        'ent (also included).'
				        'By clicking any of the buttons below, you can see how the differ' +
				        'ent methods described work in real-time.'
				    ParentColor = True
				    ParentCtl3D = False
				    ReadOnly = True
				    ScrollBars = ssBoth
				    TabOrder = 8
				    WordWrap = False
				    OnEnter = reResultsEnter
				  object btnValSum: TButton
				    Left = 174
				    Top = 210
				    Width = 200
				    Height = 25
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
				    Caption = 'Use JvValidationSummary'
				    TabOrder = 6
				    OnClick = btnValSumClick
				  object JvValidators1: TJvValidators
				    ValidationSummary = JvValidationSummary1
				    ErrorIndicator = JvErrorIndicator1
				    OnValidateFailed = JvValidators1ValidateFailed
				    Left = 258
				    Top = 104
				    object JvRequiredFieldValidator1: TJvRequiredFieldValidator
				      Valid = True
				      ControlToValidate = edRequired
				      PropertyToValidate = 'Text'
				      Enabled = True
				      ErrorMessage = 'Value in edRequired cannot be empty'
				    object JvCustomValidator1: TJvCustomValidator
				      Valid = True
				      ControlToValidate = edRequired10Chars
				      PropertyToValidate = 'Text'
				      Enabled = True
				      ErrorMessage = 'Value in "edRequired10Chars" requires at least 10 characters'
				      OnValidate = JvCustomValidator1Validate
				    object JvRegularExpressionValidator1: TJvRegularExpressionValidator
				      Valid = True
				      ControlToValidate = edRegExpr
				      PropertyToValidate = 'Text'
				      Enabled = True
				      ErrorMessage = 'Value in "edRegExpr" does not match "A.B.C."'
				      ValidationExpression = '^A.B.C.*'
				    object JvRangeValidator1: TJvRangeValidator
				      Valid = True
				      ControlToValidate = udRange0to100
				      PropertyToValidate = 'Position'
				      Enabled = True
				      ErrorMessage = 'Value in "udRange0to100" must be between 0 and 100'
				      MinimumValue = 0
				      MaximumValue = 100
				  object JvErrorIndicator1: TJvErrorIndicator
				    ImageIndex = 0
				    Left = 296
				    Top = 104
				  object JvValidationSummary1: TJvValidationSummary
				    OnChange = JvValidationSummary1Change
				    Left = 328
				    Top = 104
