jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: mainfrm.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object Form1: TForm1
				  Left = 237
				  Top = 107
				  Width = 464
				  Height = 357
				  Caption = 'JvSimpleXML validator'
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Constraints.MinHeight = 300
				  Constraints.MinWidth = 400
				  DefaultMonitor = dmDesktop
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  Position = poDesktopCenter
				  Scaled = False
				  OnCreate = FormCreate
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object reXML: TRichEdit
				    Left = 8
				    Top = 80
				    Width = 439
				    Height = 177
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
				    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clWindowText
				    Font.Height = -13
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = []
				    ParentFont = False
				    PlainText = True
				    ScrollBars = ssBoth
				    TabOrder = 1
				    WordWrap = False
				    OnChange = reXMLChange
				  object btnLoad: TButton
				    Left = 16
				    Top = 270
				    Width = 75
				    Height = 25
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
				    Caption = '&Load...'
				    TabOrder = 2
				    OnClick = btnLoadClick
				  object btnValidate: TButton
				    Left = 358
				    Top = 270
				    Width = 75
				    Height = 25
				    Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
				    Caption = '&Validate'
				    Default = True
				    Enabled = False
				    TabOrder = 3
				    OnClick = btnValidateClick
				  object Panel1: TPanel
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 456
				    Height = 71
				    Align = alTop
				    BevelInner = bvRaised
				    BevelOuter = bvLowered
				    Color = clWindow
				    TabOrder = 0
				    object Label1: TLabel
				      Left = 18
				      Top = 22
				      Width = 420
				      Height = 42
				      Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
				      AutoSize = False
				      Caption = 
				        'Type in an XML string in the memo or click "Load" to load XML da' +
				        'ta from a file. You can also drag a file from Explorer onto the ' +
				        'form to load it. Click "Validate" to check the syntax.'
				      WordWrap = True
				    object Label2: TLabel
				      Left = 14
				      Top = 7
				      Width = 77
				      Height = 13
				      Caption = 'XML Validator'
				      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				      Font.Color = clWindowText
				      Font.Height = -11
				      Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
				      Font.Style = [fsBold]
				      ParentFont = False
				  object sbResults: TStatusBar
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 311
				    Width = 456
				    Height = 19
				    Panels = <
				        Width = 50
				    SimplePanel = False
				  object chkAutoValidate: TCheckBox
				    Left = 112
				    Top = 275
				    Width = 209
				    Height = 17
				    Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
				    Caption = '&Auto validate on open/drop'
				    Checked = True
				    State = cbChecked
				    TabOrder = 5
				  object JvSimpleXml1: TJvSimpleXML
				    IndentString = '  '
				    Options = [sxoAutoIndent]
				    Left = 92
				    Top = 74
				  object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
				    DefaultExt = 'xml'
				    Filter = 'XML files|*.xml|All files|*.*'
				    InitialDir = '.'
				    Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
				    Left = 160
				    Top = 80
