
源代码在线查看: readme

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上传用户: Even_Moon
关键词: rtlinux 源代码
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				#include "../README"								This example features two real-time tasks that can potentially perform some				real work, e.g. data collection. Here they simply write strings into FIFOs.								The real-time part creates three RT-FIFOs: two for data passing, and one for				control. Then it creates two real-time tasks and registers a handler with the				control FIFO.								Real-time and non-real-time parts both agree on the format of control messages				(see file control.h). Whenever Linux tasks writes to the control FIFO, the				handler is invoked. In the handler the RT-tasks are started and stopped.								The real-time tasks are almost identical. They keep writing strings into FIFOs.				In the end of each loop each of them makes a request to deschedule itself				until the beginning of the next period.								The Linux program (app) opens RT-FIFO devices, starts RT-tasks and enters the				loop in which it reads and prints the data produced by RT-tasks.								To run type `make; make test'							
