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ipsec vpn

源代码在线查看: _plutoload.8

软件大小: 3514 K
上传用户: akk79600872
关键词: ipsec vpn
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				.TH _PLUTOLOAD 8 "25 Apr 2002"				.\"				.\" RCSID $Id: _plutoload.8,v 1.2 2002/04/29 22:39:31 mcr Exp $				.\"				.SH NAME				ipsec _plutoload \- internal script to start pluto				.SH DESCRIPTION				.I _plutoload				is called by 				.B _plutorun				to actually start the pluto executable.				.SH "SEE ALSO"				ipsec(8), ipsec_setup(8), ipsec__realsetup(8), ipsec__plutorun(8)				.SH HISTORY				Man page written for the Linux FreeS/WAN project 				by Michael Richardson. Original program by Henry Spencer.				.\"				.\" $Log: _plutoload.8,v $				.\" Revision 1.2  2002/04/29 22:39:31  mcr				.\" 	added basic man page for all internal commands.				.\"				.\" Revision 1.1  2002/04/26 01:21:43  mcr				.\" 	while tracking down a missing (not installed) /etc/ipsec.conf,				.\" 	MCR has decided that it is not okay for each program subdir to have				.\" 	some subset (determined with -f) of possible files.				.\" 	Each subdir that defines $PROGRAM, MUST have a PROGRAM.8 file as well as a PROGRAM file.				.\" 	Optional PROGRAM.5 files have been added to the makefiles.				.\"				.\"				.\"							
