
源代码在线查看: document.java

软件大小: 306 K
上传用户: dan_che
关键词: WebService KSoap ME 操作
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				package org.kxml.kdom;
				import java.util.*;
				import java.io.*;
				import org.kxml.*;
				import org.kxml.io.*;
				import org.kxml.parser.*;
				/** The document consists of some legacy events and a single root
				    element. This class basically adds some consistency checks to
				    Node. */
				public class Document extends Node {
				    protected int rootIndex = -1;
				    /** returns "#document" */
				    public String getName () {
					return "#document";
				    /** Adds a child at the given index position. Throws
					an exception when a second root element is added */ 
				    public void addChild (int index, int type, Object child) {
					if (type == Xml.ELEMENT) {
					    if (rootIndex != -1) 
						throw new RuntimeException 
						    ("Only one document root element allowed"); 
					    rootIndex = index;
					else if (rootIndex >= index) rootIndex++;
					super.addChild (index, type, child);
				    /** reads the document and checks if the last event
					is END_DOCUMENT. If not, an exception is thrown.
					The end event is consumed. For parsing partial
				        XML structures, consider using Node.parse (). */
				    public void parse (AbstractXmlParser parser) throws IOException {
					super.parse (parser);
					if (parser.read ().getType () != Xml.END_DOCUMENT)
					    throw new RuntimeException ("Document end expected!");
				    public void removeChild (int index) {
					if (index == rootIndex) rootIndex = -1;
					else if (index < rootIndex) rootIndex--;
					super.removeChild (index);
				    /** returns the root element of this document. */
				    public Element getRootElement () {
					if (rootIndex == -1) 
					    throw new RuntimeException ("Document has no root element!");
					return (Element) getChild (rootIndex);
