
源代码在线查看: admin.admin.html.php

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								/**				* @version $Id: admin.admin.html.php,v 1.16 2005/02/15 21:53:39 eddieajau Exp $				* @package Mambo				* @subpackage Admin				* @copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd				* @license GNU/GPL				* Mambo is Free Software				*/								/** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */				defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );								/**				* @package Mambo				* @subpackage Admin				*/				class HTML_admin_misc {									/**					* Control panel					*/					function controlPanel() {					    global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mainframe, $adminLanguage;						?>																																																									$path = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/templates/' . $mainframe->getTemplate() . '/cpanel.php';						if (file_exists( $path )) {						    require $path;						} else {						    echo '';							mosLoadAdminModules( 'cpanel', 1 );						}					}									function get_php_setting($val) {						$r =  (ini_get($val) == '1' ? 1 : 0);						return $r ? 'ON' : 'OFF';					}									function get_server_software() {						if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {							return $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];						} else if (($sf = getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'))) {							return $sf;						} else {							return 'n/a';						}					}									function system_info( $version ) {						global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $database, $adminLanguage;						//$tab = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'tab', 'tab1' );						$width = 400;	// width of 100%						$tabs = new mosTabs(0);						?>																																																													$tabs->startPane("sysinfo");						$tabs->startTab($adminLanguage->A_MENU_SYSTEM_INFO,"system-page");						?>																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									$query = "SELECT name FROM #__mambots"								. "\nWHERE folder='editors' AND published='1'"								. "\nLIMIT 1";								$database->setQuery( $query );								$editor = $database->loadResult();								?>																																																																																																																																																									$cf = file( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/configuration.php' );							foreach ($cf as $k=>$v) {								if (eregi( 'mosConfig_host', $v)) {									$cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_host = \'xxxxxx\'';								} else if (eregi( 'mosConfig_user', $v)) {									$cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_user = \'xxxxxx\'';								} else if (eregi( 'mosConfig_password', $v)) {									$cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_password = \'xxxxxx\'';								} else if (eregi( 'mosConfig_db ', $v)) {									$cf[$k] = '$mosConfig_db = \'xxxxxx\'';								} else if (eregi( '									$cf[$k] = '<?php';								}							}							echo implode( "", $cf );							?>																															$tabs->endTab();						$tabs->startTab($adminLanguage->A_COMP_ADMIN_PHP_INFO2,"php-page");						?>																																																																		ob_start();							phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL | INFO_CONFIGURATION | INFO_MODULES);							$phpinfo = ob_get_contents();							ob_end_clean();							preg_match_all('#]*>(.*)#siU', $phpinfo, $output);							$output = preg_replace('#							$output = preg_replace('#(\w),(\w)#', '\1, \2', $output);							$output = preg_replace('#border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600"#', 'border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="95%"', $output);							$output = preg_replace('##', '', $output);							echo $output;							?>																															$tabs->endTab();						$tabs->startTab($adminLanguage->A_COMP_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS,"perms");						?>										          				            				          				          				            				        											mosHTML::writableCell( 'administrator/backups' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'administrator/components' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'administrator/modules' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'administrator/templates' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'cache' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'components' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'images' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'images/banners' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'images/stories' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'language' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'mambots' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'mambots/content' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'mambots/search' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'media' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'modules' );				mosHTML::writableCell( 'templates' );								?>								            				          				        												$tabs->endTab();						$tabs->endPane();						?>											}									function ListComponents() {							mosLoadAdminModule( 'components' );						}									/**					* Display Help Page					*/					function help() {						global $mosConfig_live_site, $adminLanguage;						$helpurl = mosGetParam( $GLOBALS, 'mosConfig_helpurl', '' );						$fullhelpurl = $helpurl . '/index2.php?option=com_content&task=findkey&pop=1&keyref=';												$helpsearch = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'helpsearch', '' );						$page 		= mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'page', 'mambo.whatsnew452.html' );						$toc 		= getHelpToc( $helpsearch );						if (!eregi( '\.html$', $page )) {							$page .= '.xml';						}						?>												.helpIndex {							border: 0px;							width: 95%;							height: 100%;							padding: 0px 5px 0px 10px;							overflow: auto;						}						.helpFrame {							border-left: 0px solid #222;							border-right: none;							border-top: none;							border-bottom: none;							width: 100%;							height: 700px;							padding: 0px 5px 0px 10px;						}																																																																																																		Search:																																																																								if ($helpurl) {									?>																			Glossary									|																			Credits									|																			Support																		} else {									?>																			Glossary									|																			Credits									|																			Support																		}									?>									|																			License									|																		|																			System Info																																																																																			foreach ($toc as $k=>$v) {									if ($helpurl) {										echo '' . $v . '';									} else {										echo '' . $v . '';									}								}								?>																																																																														}									/**					* Preview site					*/					function preview( $tp=0 ) {					    global $mosConfig_live_site;					    Global $adminLanguage;					    $tp = intval( $tp );						?>												.previewFrame {							border: none;							width: 95%;							height: 600px;							padding: 0px 5px 0px 10px;						}																																																																																																																																		}				}								/**				 * Compiles the help table of contents				 * @param string A specific keyword on which to filter the resulting list				 */				function getHelpTOC( $helpsearch ) {					global $mosConfig_absolute_path;					$helpurl = mosGetParam( $GLOBALS, 'mosConfig_helpurl', '' );									$files = mosReadDirectory( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/help/', '\.xml$|\.html$' );									require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/domit/xml_domit_lite_include.php' );									$toc = array();					foreach ($files as $file) {						$buffer = file_get_contents( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/help/' . $file );						if (preg_match( '#(.*?)#', $buffer, $m )) {							$title = trim( $m[1] );							if ($title) {								if ($helpurl) {									// strip the extension									$file = preg_replace( '#\.xml$|\.html$#', '', $file );								}						        if ($helpsearch) {						            if (strpos( strip_tags( $buffer ), $helpsearch ) !== false) {								    	$toc[$file] = $title;									}								} else {								    $toc[$file] = $title;								}							}						}						/*						$xmlDoc =& new DOMIT_Lite_Document();						$xmlDoc->resolveErrors( true );						echo "$file ";					    if ($xmlDoc->loadXML( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/help/' . $file, false, true )) {					    	if (eregi( '\.html$', $file )) {					    		// html file					    		$elem = $xmlDoc->getElementsByPath( 'head/title', 1 );					    	} else {					    		// xml file							    $elem = $xmlDoc->getElementsByPath( 'title', 1 );					    	}						    if ($elem) {						        if ($helpsearch) {						            if (strpos( $xmlDoc->getText(), $helpsearch ) !== false) {								    	$toc[$file] = $elem->getText();									}								} else {								    $toc[$file] = $elem->getText();								}							}						} else {							echo $xmlDoc->getErrorString();					    }					    */					}					asort( $toc );					return $toc;				}				?>							
