Hello !
To use this Winhelp version of JDK 1.3 documentation,
unzip the file, and double click on Jdk13.hlp.
Putting a shortcut to Jdk122.hlp in your Start menu is
a good idea...
Use the icon as you like (i.e. change the shortcut icon).
Please send comments an suggestions to f.allimant@confluent.fr
Get the latest version at http://www.confluent.fr/javadoc/indexe.htm
To build yourself WinHelp documents from HTML files, get HtmlToHlp,
the tool I used to make this one. It's available from the above URL.
Many thanks to Piet Jonas (jonas@physik.uni-greifswald.de) for his excellent
GIF to Windows BMP conversion Java class.
About HtmlToHlp
The HTML files downloaded from JavaSoft's web site have been converted
to WinHelp with HtmlToHlp, a Java application which converts HTML files
to WinHelp documents.
You can use HtmlToHlp to convert your own HTML documentations to WinHelp :
this software is free for personnal use, and shareware US$ 25.00
(150 French Francs) for a commercial use.
For more information, please visit http://www.confluent.fr/javadoc/indexe.htm