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				README for MicaSBTest2				Author/Contact: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu				 				Description:				 				The MicaSBTest2 tests out light, microphone, and sounder.  				Momentarily covering the light sensor will trigger a single chrip on				the the sounder. If the microphone detects the sounder's signal, it 				will turn on the yellow LED to signal thetone is detected.				 								Tools:				 				None				 				Known bugs/limitations:				 				Since the microphone is very close to the sounder, the signal it gets				may clip at the amplifier and you may not be able to see the 				microphone detecting the sounder's signal.  								To avoid this problem, either decrease the microphone gain or				use another MICA running the TestSounder application and try this				test with the two MICAs separated by a feet or two.							
