* D:\FOXPRO写作案例\图书出版\图书出版_APP.TXT
* This file is a generated, framework-enabling component
* created by APPBUILDER
* (c) Microsoft Corporation
* Placeholder for a projecthook log file about:
* D:\FOXPRO写作案例\图书出版\图书出版.PJX
* You can write to this file using your projecthook object, to
* log date-time stamped information about actions it takes
* this framework-enabled project.
* -- 08/08/01 03:56:42 PM -- 使用新的“应用程序生成器”设置更新项目。
* -- 04/04/06 03:39:35 PM -- Updated project with new Application Builder settings.
* -- 04/04/06 04:11:36 PM -- Updated project with new Application Builder settings.