
源代码在线查看: stringfloat.bas

软件大小: 2 K
上传用户: rain0413
关键词: VB程序
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
				Function StringToDouble(Byte4() As Byte) As Double
				Dim ldata As Double
				Dim tmp As Integer
				ldata = CDbl((Byte4(1) And &H7F) Or &H80) / 256 + CDbl(Byte4(2)) / 65536 + CDbl(Byte4(3)) / 16777216
				tmp = CInt((Byte4(0) And &H7F)) * 2
				If Byte4(1) And &H80 Then tmp = tmp + 1
				tmp = tmp - 126
				ldata = ldata * 2 ^ tmp
				If Byte4(0) And &H80 Then ldata = -ldata
				StringToDouble = ldata
				End Function
				Public Sub FloatToString(xData As Double, Byte4() As Byte)
				    Dim i As Integer
				    Dim ldata As Double, lntData As Double
				    Dim sData As Single
				    Dim xLong As Long
				    Dim xString As String
				    Dim tmp As Integer
				    Dim xPol As Boolean
				    Dim xMax As Double
				    ldata = xData
				    If ldata < 0 Then
				        ldata = -ldata
				        xPol = True '数符为负
				    End If
				    If ldata = 0 Then   '为零处理
				        For i = 0 To 3
				            Byte4(i) = 0
				        Next i
				        Exit Sub
				    End If
				    tmp = CInt(Int(Log(ldata) / Log(2))) '求以2为底的ldata对数且四舍五入
				    If tmp < -126 Then   '极小数返回零
				        For i = 0 To 3
				            Byte4(i) = 0
				        Next i
				        Exit Sub
				    End If
				    If tmp < 24 Then
				        ldata = ldata * 2 ^ (23 - tmp)
				        ldata = ldata / 2 ^ (tmp - 23)
				    End If
				    If tmp < 127 Then
				        tmp = tmp + 127
				        tmp = 256
				    End If
				    sData = ldata
				    xLong = CLng(sData)
				    xString = Hex$(xLong)
				    i = Len(xString)
				    If i < 6 Then
				        i = 6 - i
				        xString = String(i, "0") & xString
				    End If
				    Byte4(0) = CByte(tmp \ 2)
				    Byte4(0) = Byte4(0) And &H7F
				    If xPol = True Then Byte4(0) = Byte4(0) Or &H80     '阶码
				    Byte4(1) = CByte("&H" & Mid$(xString, 1, 2))        '数码。
				    Byte4(1) = Byte4(1) And &H7F
				    If (tmp Mod 2) = 1 Then Byte4(1) = Byte4(1) Or &H80
				    Byte4(2) = CByte("&H" & Mid$(xString, 3, 2))        '数码。
				    Byte4(3) = CByte("&H" & Mid$(xString, 5, 2))        '数码。
				End Sub
