数值类综合算法 常用数值计算工具包(龙贝格算法、改进欧拉法、龙格库塔方法、复合辛普森)

源代码在线查看: int.m

软件大小: 1419 K
上传用户: whyzhao
关键词: 算法 数值 工具包 改进欧拉法
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				function r = int(f,x,a,b)
				%  int(s)符号表达式s的不定积分.
				%  int(s,v)符号表达式s关于变量v的不定积分.
				%  int(s,a,b)符号表达式s的定积分, a,b分别为上﹑下限.
				%  int(s,v,a,b)符号表达式s关于变量v从 a到b的定积分.
				%  当int求不出符号解,会自动转求数值解.
				%例( 求不出符号解,会自动转求数值解)
				%    syms x;t=int(exp(-x^sin(x)),0,1),vpa(t,5)
				%  结果为
				%    Warning: Explicit integral could not be found.
				%    > In D:\MATLAB5\toolbox\symbolic\@sym\int.m at line 58
				%    t =
				%    int(exp(-x^sin(x)),x = 0 .. 1)%表示无解析解
				%    ans =
				%      .45491                      %数值解
				%INT    Integrate.
				%   INT(S) is the indefinite integral of S with respect to its symbolic
				%     variable as defined by FINDSYM. S is a SYM (matrix or scalar).
				%     If S is a constant, the integral is with respect to 'x'.
				%   INT(S,v) is the indefinite integral of S with respect to v. v is a
				%     scalar SYM.
				%   INT(S,a,b) is the definite integral of S with respect to its
				%     symbolic variable from a to b. a and b are each double or
				%     symbolic scalars.
				%   INT(S,v,a,b) is the definite integral of S with respect to v
				%     from a to b.
				%   Examples:
				%     syms x x1 alpha u t;
				%     A = [cos(x*t),sin(x*t);-sin(x*t),cos(x*t)];
				%     int(1/(1+x^2))           returns     atan(x)
				%     int(sin(alpha*u),alpha)  returns     -cos(alpha*u)/u
				%     int(besselj(1,x),x)      returns     -besselj(0,x)
				%     int(x1*log(1+x1),0,1)    returns      1/4
				%     int(4*x*t,x,2,sin(t))    returns      2*sin(t)^2*t-8*t
				%     int([exp(t),exp(alpha*t)])  returns  [exp(t), 1/alpha*exp(alpha*t)]
				%     int(A,t)                 returns      [sin(x*t)/x, -cos(x*t)/x]
				%                                           [cos(x*t)/x,  sin(x*t)/x]
				%   Copyright (c) 1993-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
				%   $Revision: 1.15 $  $Date: 1997/11/29 01:05:44 $pj costa
				f = sym(f);
				if nargin 				   % Indefinite integral
				   if nargin < 2
				      x = findsym(f,1);
				      if isempty(x), x = 'x'; end
				      x = char(sym(x));
				   r = maple('map','int',f,x);
				   % Definite integral
				   if nargin < 4
				      b = a;
				      a = x;
				      x = findsym(f,1);
				      if isempty(x), x = 'x'; end
				   x = sym(x);
				   b = sym(b);
				   a = sym(a);
				   r = maple('map','int',f,[x.s '=' a.s '..' b.s]);
				if ~isempty(findstr('int(',char(r)))
				   for k = 1:prod(size(r));
				      rc = char(r(k));
				      if length(rc) >= 4 & isequal(rc(1:4),'int(')
				         warning('Explicit integral could not be found.')
