
源代码在线查看: text.c

软件大小: 197 K
上传用户: huanzhudev
关键词: YACC 编译工具
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				/* text.c */								#define PRIVATE static				#define PUBLIC								#include 												/*==============================================================================				 *				 * FILL TEXT BUFFER				 *				 */												PRIVATE char *text;				   /* pointer to input buffer (dynamically allocated and resized */								PRIVATE textsize;				   /* current size of input buffer */								PRIVATE int textpos = 0;				   /* next free position in input buffer */								PUBLIC int startpos;				   /* start index of last item added to input buffer */				   /* defined by StoreText, used in token descriptions */								PRIVATE int do_store = 1;				   /* StoreText and StoreChar have no effect if 'do_storing' is false */												/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * StoreBegin()				 *				 * Initialize input to text buffer				 *				 */								#define PIECE 10000								PUBLIC StoreBegin()				{				   text = (char *) malloc(PIECE);				   textsize = PIECE;				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * StoreChar(ch)				 *				 * store the character 'ch' into text buffer				 * (if 'do_store')				 *				 */								StoreChar(ch)				   char ch;				{				   if (do_store) {				      if (textpos == textsize) {					 char *newtext;									 textsize = textsize+PIECE;					 newtext = (char *) realloc(text, textsize);									 if (! newtext) {					    printf("cannot allocate source buffer\n");					    exit(1);					 }									 text = newtext;				      }				      text[textpos] = ch;				      textpos++;				   }				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * StoreText(txt)				 *				 * store the text to which 'txt' points into text buffer				 * (if 'do_store')				 * 'startpos' will point to the start of the entry				 *				 */								StoreText(txt)				   char *txt;				{				   long pos;								   startpos = textpos;								   while(*txt) {				      StoreChar(*txt);				      txt++;				   }				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * StoreEnd()				 *				 * switch off 'do_store',				 * further additions to text buffer will have no effect				 * (used to suppress storing imported files)				 *				 */								StoreEnd() {				   do_store = 0;				}								/*==============================================================================				 *				 * PROCESS TEXT BUFFER				 *				 */								PRIVATE int linecount = 1;				   /* number of input lines already processed for output */								PRIVATE int outputlines = 0;				   /* number of lines already written to output */								PRIVATE int TxtPtr = 0;				   /* index of next character in input buffer */				   /* that has to be written to output */								PRIVATE PutRange();												/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * SkipTo(stop)				 *				 * Skip text[TextPtr .. stop], set TxtPtr to stop+1				 *				 */								PUBLIC SkipTo(stop)				   int stop;				{				   int pos;								   for (pos = TxtPtr; pos 				      if (text[pos] == '\n') linecount++;				   }								   TxtPtr = stop+1;				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * EmitText(stop)				 *				 * Emit text[TxtPtr..stop], set TxtPtr to stop+1				 *				 * Output text is preceeded and followed by by line pragmas				 *				 */								PUBLIC EmitText(stop)				   int stop;				{				   char *name;								   get_basename(&name);				   Put("# line "); PutI(linecount); Put(" \""); Put(name); Put(".m\""); Nl();				   PutRange(text+TxtPtr, text+stop);				   TxtPtr = stop+1;				   Nl();				   Put("# line "); PutI(outputlines+2);				   Put(" \""); Put(name); Put(".cpp\""); Nl();				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * EmitFinalText()				 *				 * Emit text[TxPtr..]				 *				 */								EmitFinalText()				{				   char *name;				   get_basename(&name);				   Put("# line "); PutI(linecount); Put(" \""); Put(name); Put(".m\""); Nl();				   PutRange(text+TxtPtr, text+textpos-1);				}								/*==============================================================================				 *				 * BASIC OUTPUT				 *				 */												#define OutBufSize 6000				#define FlushPos 5000								PRIVATE char OutBuf[OutBufSize];				PRIVATE char *OutBufPtr;				PRIVATE FILE *OutFile;												/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * OpenOutputWithExtension(Name, Extension)				 * 				 * open 'OutFile' with name 'Name' and extension 'Extension' for output				 *				 */								OpenOutputWithExtension(Name, Extension)				   char *Name;				   char *Extension;				{				   char fullname[100];				   sprintf(fullname, "%s.%s", Name, Extension);				   OutFile = fopen(fullname, "w");								   if (OutFile == NULL) {				      printf("cannot open %s\n", Name); exit(1);				   }				   OutBufPtr = &OutBuf[0];				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * CloseOutput()				 * 				 * flush and close 'OutFile'				 *				 */								CloseOutput ()				{				   fwrite(OutBuf, 1, OutBufPtr - &OutBuf[0], OutFile);				   fclose(OutFile);				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * Put(Str)				 * 				 * Emit string 'Str'				 *				 */								Put(Str)				   char *Str;				{				   if (OutBufPtr > &OutBuf[FlushPos]) {				      fwrite(OutBuf, 1, OutBufPtr - &OutBuf[0], OutFile);				      OutBufPtr = &OutBuf[0];				   }								   while(*Str) *OutBufPtr++ = *Str++; 				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * PutI(N)				 *				 * Emit integer 'N'				 *				 */								PutI (N)				   long N;				{				   if (OutBufPtr > &OutBuf[FlushPos]) {				      fwrite(OutBuf, 1, OutBufPtr - &OutBuf[0], OutFile);				      OutBufPtr = &OutBuf[0];				   }								   if (N < 0) {				      *OutBufPtr++ = '-';				      N = -N;				   }				   if (N < 10) {				      *OutBufPtr++ = N + '0';				   }				   else if (N < 100) {				      *OutBufPtr++ = N/10 + '0';				      *OutBufPtr++ = N%10 + '0';				   }				   else {				      char buf[50];				      register i;				      register n = N;								      i = 0;								      do {					 buf[++i] = (n % 10) + '0';					 n = n / 10;				      } while (n);								      while (i)					 *OutBufPtr++ = buf[i--];				   }				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * Nl()				 *				 * Emit newline				 *				 */								Nl ()				{				   if (OutBufPtr > &OutBuf[FlushPos]) {				      fwrite(OutBuf, 1, OutBufPtr - &OutBuf[0], OutFile);				      OutBufPtr = &OutBuf[0];								   }								   *OutBufPtr++ = '\n';				   outputlines++;				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * PutRange(start, stop)				 *				 * Emit the string ranging from pointer 'start' to pointer 'stop'				 *				 */								PRIVATE PutRange(start, stop)				   char *start, *stop;				{				   char *pos;								   for (pos = start; pos 				      if (OutBufPtr > &OutBuf[FlushPos]) {					 fwrite(OutBuf, 1, OutBufPtr - &OutBuf[0], OutFile);					 OutBufPtr = &OutBuf[0];				      }								      if (*pos == '\n') {					 linecount++;					 outputlines++;				      }								      *OutBufPtr++ = *pos; 				   }				}								/*==============================================================================				 *				 * SOURCE COORDINATES				 *				 */												#define FILECODE 1000000000				#define LINECODE 1000								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * SourceReference(pos)				 *				 */								SourceReference(pos)				   long pos;				{				   long file, line;								   file = pos / FILECODE;				   pos  = pos % FILECODE;				   line = pos / LINECODE;								   Nl();				   Put("// GENERATED FROM SOURCE LINE "); PutI(line); Nl();				}								/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * PutPos(pos)				 *				 */								PutPos(pos)				   long pos;				{				   long file, line;								   file = pos / FILECODE;				   pos  = pos % FILECODE;				   line = pos / LINECODE;								   PutI(line);				}								/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/							
