
源代码在线查看: server.java

软件大小: 54 K
上传用户: dragoncircle
关键词: SOCKET 手机 代码 程序
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/*				 * @(#)Server.java	1.6 03/07/15				 *				 * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.				 * PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL				 * Use is subject to license terms				 */				package socket;				import javax.microedition.midlet.*;				import javax.microedition.io.*;				import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;				import java.io.*;												public class Server implements Runnable, CommandListener {				    private SocketMIDlet parent;				    private Display display;				    private Form f;				    private StringItem si;				    private TextField tf;				    private boolean stop;				    private Command sendCommand = new Command("Send", Command.ITEM, 1);				    private Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);				    InputStream is;				    OutputStream os;				    SocketConnection sc;				    ServerSocketConnection scn;				    Sender sender;								    public Server(SocketMIDlet m) {				        parent = m;				        display = Display.getDisplay(parent);				        f = new Form("Socket Server");				        si = new StringItem("Status:", " ");				        tf = new TextField("Send:", "", 30, TextField.ANY);				        f.append(si);				        f.append(tf);				        f.addCommand(exitCommand);				        f.setCommandListener(this);				        display.setCurrent(f);				    }								    public void start() {				        Thread t = new Thread(this);				        t.start();				    }								    public void run() {				        try {				            si.setText("Waiting for connection");				            scn = (ServerSocketConnection) Connector.open("socket://:5000");								            // Wait for a connection.				            sc = (SocketConnection) scn.acceptAndOpen();				            si.setText("Connection accepted");				            is = sc.openInputStream();				            os = sc.openOutputStream();				            sender = new Sender(os);								            // Allow sending of messages only after Sender is created				            f.addCommand(sendCommand);								            while (true) {				                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();				                int c = 0;								                while (((c = is.read()) != '\n') && (c != -1)) {				                    sb.append((char) c);				                }								                if (c == -1) {				                    break;				                }				                si.setText("Message received - " + sb.toString());				            }				            stop();				            si.setText("Connection is closed");				            f.removeCommand(sendCommand);				        } catch (IOException ioe) {				            if (ioe.getMessage().equals("ServerSocket Open")) {				                Alert a = new Alert("Server", "Port 5000 is already taken.",				                        null, AlertType.ERROR);				                a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER);				                a.setCommandListener(this);				                display.setCurrent(a);				            } else {				                if (!stop) {				                    ioe.printStackTrace();				                }				            }				        } catch (Exception e) {				            e.printStackTrace();				        }				    }								    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {				        if (c == sendCommand && !parent.isPaused()) {				            sender.send(tf.getString());				        }								        if ((c == Alert.DISMISS_COMMAND) || (c == exitCommand)) {				            parent.notifyDestroyed();				            parent.destroyApp(true);				        }				    }								    /**				     * Close all open streams				     */				    public void stop() {				        try {				            stop = true;								            if (is != null) {				                is.close();				            }								            if (os != null) {				                os.close();				            }								            if (sc != null) {				                sc.close();				            }								            if (scn != null) {				                scn.close();				            }				        } catch (IOException ioe) {}				    }				}							
