PracticalJAVACode 的源码

源代码在线查看: top.bc

软件大小: 71 K
上传用户: invill
关键词: PracticalJAVACode 源码
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				Method int top()
				   0 aload_0          //Push the object reference(this) at index
				                      //0 of the local variable table.
				   1 getfield #6 
				                      //Pop the object reference(this) and push
				                      //the object reference for intArr accessed
				                      //from the constant pool.
				   4 iconst_0         //Push 0.
				   5 iaload           //Pop the top two values and push the value
				                      //at index 0 of intArr.
				   6 ireturn          //Pop the top value and push it onto the
				                      //operand stack of the invoker.			
