
源代码在线查看: isr.c

软件大小: 3620 K
上传用户: leihongcetc
关键词: 51单片机 源程序 集锦
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				//									     								                  *
				//                P H I L I P S   P R O P R I E T A R Y          		   *  
				//                                                                      *
				//          COPYRIGHT (c)   1999 BY PHILIPS SINGAPORE (APIC).    		   *
				//                    --  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  --                 		*	
				//                                                                      *
				// 	File Name	:       Kernel.c                                      *
				// 	Author		:       Albert Goh					 					      *
				// 	Created		:      	3 March 2000                               	*
				//                  	                                                   *
				//                                                                      *
				// Kernel.c is the control centre for this evaluation firmware. It will *
				// control where should the firmware branch through via the selection 	*
				// of the UART port of the 8051. if not via the UART, it will be from 	*
				// the selection of the code defintion                                  *
				//                                                                      *
				//                                                                      *
				//  Module History														            *
				//  **************														            *
				//																		                  *
				//  Date   	Version			Author				Changes					      *  
				//  ====	=======			======				=======					         *
				//  030300	  0.1 			Albert				Created    				      *  
				//                                                                      *
				//                                                                      *
				//*																		               *
				//*	                     Include Files Definition						   *
				//*																		               *
				#include "standard.h"
				#include "Kernel.h"
				#include "D14.h"
				extern KERNEL Kernel_Flag;
				extern D14_CNTRL_REG xdata *D14_Cntrl_Ptr;
				extern volatile D14_CNTRL_REG	xdata	D14_Cntrl_Reg;
				extern DMA_INT_FLAG DMA_Int_Flag;
				extern USB_INT_FLAG USB_Int_Flag;
				extern void Init_D14(void);
				extern UC ATAPI_State;
				extern DRIVE_CONFIG	Drive_Setup;
				extern void Set_USB(void);
				extern ULI bytecount;
				extern UI PIO_Count;
				//*																		               *
				//*	                     Variable Definition 							      *
				//*																		               *
				UI	idata	Data;
				ULI USB_Interrupt;
				UI 	DMA_Interrupt;
				UC 	timecouter=0;
				//*																		               *
				//*	                     Routine Definition								   *
				//*																		               *
				void Int_2(void) interrupt 2 using 0
				void Int_3(void) interrupt 3 using 0
				void Int_4(void) interrupt 4 using 0
				void Int_5(void) interrupt 5 using 0
				//*										    							               *
				//*	Routine 	: Int_Timer0                                      		   *
				//*	Input		: Timer 0 overflow  									            *
				//*	Output		: Set time up flag                    					   *
				//*	Function	: To set the time up flag                   			      *
				//*																		               *
				void Int_Timer0(void) interrupt 1 using 0
					Kernel_Flag.BITS.Timer_Expired = 1;
				//*										    							               *
				//*	Routine 	:  Int Ext 0                                       		*
				//*	Input		:  External Interrupt from ISP1581                       *
				//*	Output	:  None                                 					   *
				//*	Function	:  To read and keep a copy of the interrupt source of    *
				//*				   ISP1581														      *
				void Int_Ext_0(void) interrupt 0 using 1
					//read in USB interrupt register and keep a copy
					//         USB_Interrupt = D14_Cntrl_Reg.D14_INT.VALUE;
					//         USB_Int_Flag.VALUE |= USB_Interrupt;
					USB_Int_Flag.VALUE |= D14_Cntrl_Reg.D14_INT.VALUE;
					D14_Cntrl_Reg.D14_INT.VALUE = USB_Int_Flag.VALUE;
				//	if (USB_Int_Flag.BITS.EP1RX)
				//		USB_Int_Flag.BITS.EP1RX = 0;
						USB_Int_Flag.BITS.RESET = 0;
						Kernel_Flag.BITS.Bus_Reset = 1;
						PIO_Count = 64;
				      	HS_FS_LED = FULL_SPEED_LED;
						Kernel_Flag.BITS.HS_FS_State = FULL_SPEED;
						D14_Cntrl_Reg.D14_MODE.BITS.SOFTCT = 1;		
