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				   Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
								function getDownload(){
				// -->
				 Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
				In addition to the 				window ">calibration application implemented in C, we provide a
				Matlab® implementation of the
				algorithm together with its complete documentation. This document may
				also be used as a tutorial on camera calibration since it includes
				general information about calibration, references and related links.
				Please report bugs/questions/suggestions to 				HREF="">
				System requirements
				Getting started
				Calibration examples
				Description of the calibration parameters
				Description of the functions in the calibration toolbox
				Doing your own calibration
				Undocumented features of the toolbox
				A few links related to camera calibration
				 System requirements
				This toolbox works on Matlab 5.x (up to Matlab 5.3) on Windows, Unix
				and Linux systems (platforms it has been fully tested) and does not require
				any specific Matlab toolbox (for example, the optimization toolbox is not
				required).  The toolbox should also work on any other platform supporting
				Matlab 5.x.
				 Getting started
				Download the complete
				camera calibration toolbox for Matlab in the format of your choice: 				HREF="javascript: getDownload();">TOOLBOX_calib.tgz (61Kb
				tar-gzipped) or 				getDownload();">TOOLBOX_calib.tar (280Kb tar) or 				HREF="javascript: getDownload();">file by file (last update: 15-May-2000).
				Store the individual matlab files (.m files) into a unique
				folder TOOLBOX_calib (default folder name). Run Matlab
				and add the location of the folder TOOLBOX_calib to the main
				matlab path. This procedure will let you call any of the matlab
				toolbox functions from anywhere. Under Windows, this may be easily
				done by using the path editing menu. Under Unix or Linux, you may use
				the command addpath.
				Run the main matlab calibration function calib_gui.  The main calibration toolbox window appears on the screen:
				You are now ready to use the toolbox for calibration.
				 Calibration examples 
				First calibration example - Corner extraction, calibration, additional tools 
				This section takes you through a complete calibration example based on
				a total of 20 (and 25) images of a planar checkerboard. This example
				lets you learn how to use all the features of the toolbox: loading
				calibration images, extracting image corners, running the main
				calibration engine, displaying the results, controlling accuracies,
				adding and suppressing images, undistorting images, exporting
				calibration data to different formats...  This example is highly
				recommended for someone who is just starting using the toolbox.
				 Second calibration
				example - Calibration using Zhengyou Zhang's data
				This section shows you how to use the main calibration engine on
				Zhengyou Zhang's data in a scripting mode. After going through that
				example, you will also know how to change the intrinsic camera model by
				choosing which parameters to optimize. This example is highly
				recommended for someone who intends to use the main calibration engine
				in their own matlab script files.
				 Third calibration
				example - Calibration using Heikkil			
