方便飞利浦arm7tdmi 处理器lpc2100开发的C函数库 Procyon ARMlib-LPC2100 C-Language Function Library for Philips LPC21

源代码在线查看: input.c

软件大小: 358 K
上传用户: xiao11tian
关键词: 2100 ARMlib-LPC C-Language arm7tdmi
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/*! \file input.c \brief User-Input Functions. */
				// File Name	: 'input.c'
				// Title		: User-Input Functions
				// Author		: Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2003
				// Created		: 2003.09.11
				// Revised		: 2003.09.11
				// Version		: 0.1
				// Target MCU	: any
				// Editor Tabs	: 4
				// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
				//		which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
				//----- Include Files ---------------------------------------------------------
				#include "global.h"		// include our global settings
				#include "uart.h"
				#include "rprintf.h"	// include printf function library
				#include "input.h"
				// globals
				// functions
				u08 inputString(u08 termChar, u08 termLen, u08* data)
					int s=-1;
					u08 length=0;
					while(length < termLen)
						// get input
						s = -1;
						while(s == -1)
							s = uart1GetByte();
						// handle special characters
						if(s == 0x08)			// backspace
							if(length > 0)
								// echo backspace-space-backspace
								rprintfChar(' ');
						else if(s == termChar)	// termination character
							// save null-termination
							data[length] = 0;
							// echo character
							// save character
							data[length++] = s;
					return length;
				u08 asciiHexToByte(u08* string)
					// convert 2-byte hex string to byte
					return (asciiHexToNibble(string[0])				}
				u08 asciiHexToNibble(u08 character)
					// convert 1-byte hex ascii character to nibble
					if((character >= 0x30) && (character 						return character-0x30;
					else if((character >=  'A') && (character 						return character-'A'+10;
					else if((character >=  'a') && (character 						return character-'a'+10;
					else return 0;
